Welcome to the Official Blog Tour for The Frost Series, First Frost and Glass Frost, by Liz DeJesus!

Young Adult Paranormal/Fantasy Romance
Fairy Tale Retelling
Frost Series, #1
Publish Date:
June 22, 2012
Musa Publishing
Fairytales aren’t real…yeah…that’s exactly what Bianca thought. She was wrong.
For generations, the Frost family has run the Museum of Magical and Rare Artifacts, handing down guardianship from mother to daughter, always keeping their secrets to “family only.”
Gathered within museum’s walls is a collection dedicated to the Grimm fairy tales and to the rare items the family has acquired: Cinderella’s glass slipper, Snow White’s poisoned apple, the evil queen’s magic mirror, Sleeping Beauty’s enchanted spinning wheel…
Seventeen-year-old Bianca Frost wants none of it, dreaming instead of a career in art or photography or…well, anything except working in the family’s museum. She knows the items in the glass display cases are fakes because, of course, magic doesn’t really exist.
She’s about to find out how wrong she is.
Bianca got out of her car and ran inside the house. She called for her mother as she searched for her upstairs in all of the rooms. Nothing. She quickly ran downstairs and was ready to go down to the basement when a strange turquoise light caught her eye. She looked out the kitchen window; she couldn’t believe what she saw. Her mother was throwing what Bianca could only describe as balls of turquoise fireballs at a woman wearing a black hood. Bianca couldn’t see the woman’s face, but she could see her pale hands and slender fingers. Bianca tried to make sense of it all. She kept expecting to see a special effects crew to come out from behind the trees and tell her that it was all part of an elaborate prank. But no such thing happened. All she knew was that a strange turquoise flame was coming out of her mother’s hands. She knew that her mother sometimes read old dusty books on witchcraft, but she didn’t know she had actual powers. She thought about all the little quirks her mother had. Things that Bianca thought were essentially Rose. Her mother talked to plants and trees.
She would sometimes stare off into space as though she were looking at something in another world. Something only she could see. She read tarot cards to random people and would tell them things about his or her life as though she were reading an open book. Bianca always thought she just made really lucky guesses. She chose not to believe in this other world and everything it stood for. Magic represented a life out of the norm, and Bianca desperately wanted to be normal. Just like everyone else. Bianca pulled herself out of her thoughts. As she looked at the blue and green flashes in the backyard, she quickly realized that this was something she couldn’t escape. Normal was no longer a part of her world. Normal was no longer an option for her. Bianca didn’t know what to do. She was frozen in place. She was afraid to distract her mother for even a second. She ducked behind the screen door; at least this way she could still hear what they were saying to each other. “Did you really think I wouldn’t come?” the witch shouted. “Oh, I knew you’d be back,” Rose replied.
Bianca slowly lifted her gaze and peeked above the screen. She saw her mother standing behind the shed on the left side of their backyard. The witch was still too far away for her to get a good look at her, but Bianca could tell that she was on the far right corner of their yard.
“Where’s the book?” the witch demanded. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Rose replied with a smirk. “Don’t be coy with me. You know very well what I’m talking about.”
“Sorry. I can’t help you.” Rose’s breathing was becoming more labored and she was drenched in sweat…obvious signs of exhaustion, but Bianca could tell by the look on her mother’s face that she wouldn’t give up. “The wards in the museum are impressive. I couldn’t get past them. But maybe…she’ll know where the book is,” the witch said as she looked in Bianca’s direction and threw a sickly olive-colored fireball at the screen door. Bianca shrieked and jumped out of the way. The screen door fell off its hinges and landed on the kitchen floor with a loud thud. “Bianca!” Rose screamed.

Young Adult Paranormal/Fantasy Romance
Fairy Tale Retelling
First Frost Series, #2
Publish Date:
June 22, 2012
Musa Publishing
When joined together, Cinderella's slippers grant the wearer her heart's desire. But whose wish will be granted?
When Cinderella’s glass slipper is stolen, Queen Felicia sends her faithful steward Terrance to the real world to retrieve his love and witch-in-training, Bianca Frost. The power of the glass slipper, when paired with its mate, and in the wrong hands, could ruin the peace of Everafter. Bianca must gather every bit of magic she has learned in the past few weeks to find the slipper and protect her new love. Together, Bianca, Ming, Prince Ferdinand, and Terrance venture deep into the heart of Everafter to seek clues as to who has stolen the slipper and why. Along the way, they uncover what happened to the Seven Dwarves after Snow White married the prince, but also learn the awful risk of tampering with black magic and the high price that must be paid for magic, even when used for good.
Bianca and Terrance’s relationship is put to the test. Through the pain of suffering and loss, Bianca must determine if following her gallant boyfriend into his faraway world is in fact her heart's desire.
Bianca turned around, ready to leave the Fairy Realm, defeated and with no answers when something hit her. What if Fanny could understand her questions regardless of what the queen thought? What was the harm in asking? Bianca shrugged and turned back toward Fanny. Terrance put a hand on her shoulder and tried to stop her. His eyes widened, with a look he asked her what she was doing. She patted his hand and walked away, convinced that what she was about to do was right.
“What does she think she’s doing?” Titania asked.
Bianca hesitated for a moment, worried about what the queen would do to her. But Titania remained still, almost as if she was as curious as everyone else to see how Fanny would react to Bianca.
Fanny danced around Bianca as though she were invisible. She just twirled and giggled as though someone had told a funny joke.
Why won’t she see me? Am I invisible to her?
“Hello,” Bianca cried. She touched Fanny on the elbow, hoping deep inside to make a connection. A flash of light blinded her momentarily, and she felt an electric current race through her body. The power from that knocked Bianca on the floor on her rear end.
Fanny miraculously stopped. She remained silent at first. Then she turned her dark brown eyes at Bianca. They held so much sorrow and pain.
“Fanny, can you hear me?” Bianca asked.
“Yes,” she replied. Her eyes widened in surprise, as though she was amazed that she was still able to use her voice.
Fanny then gagged. She got on all fours and heaved until a single white rose passed through her lips. The flower was covered with bile and saliva as it fell heavily on the ground.
Bianca sat beside Fanny, her hand hovering over her shoulder precariously. She was scared of what else would happen should she touch Fanny once more.
“I’m so sorry. I forgot that it would cause you pain to speak.”
Fanny looked into Bianca’s eyes. She shrugged and gave Bianca a sad smile.
“My name is Bianca. Those are my friends over there, Ming, Terrance, and Prince Ferdinand. We’re all here because we need your help.”
Deal Sharing Aunt's Interview with Liz DeJesus
Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?
I’m always looking forward to Marissa Meyer’s next book. She’s a fabulous author. I’m a HUGE fan of her books Cinder, Scarlet and Cress.
What are your current projects?
I’m currently working on Shattered Frost (book #3 in The Frost Series) and a few other projects here and there (nothing concrete yet).
Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.
My husband (yes, he counts as family) but he’s the one that supports me 100% and stands by me no matter what decision I make. Every time I feel like giving up and just quit writing, he is the one that wipes my tears away, puts a pen back in my hand and tells me to write.
Do you see writing as a career?
If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?
Not really. I’m very happy with how Glass Frost turned out. I got really lucky with two amazing editors (Shonell Bacon, whom I hired as a freelance editor before I submitted it to Musa Publishing) and Susan Sipal who was the editor assigned to me by Musa Publishing. Between those two incredible women Glass Frost is probably one of the best books I’ve written.
Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?
I’ve always wanted to be a writer. I come from a long line of writers, poets, storytellers and musicians. So it’s in my DNA.
What would you like to tell my readers?
That they are all amazing people. And if they want to take a chance and download a free sample of First Frost they’re guaranteed a fun story that they’ll never forget.
For more information about Liz DeJesus please check out her website www.lizdejesus.com
**About the Author**

Liz DeJesus was born on the tiny island of Puerto Rico. She is a novelist and a poet. She has been writing for as long as she was capable of holding a pen. Liz is the author of the novel Nina (Blu Phi'er Publishing, October 2007), The Jackets (Arte Publico Press, March 31, 2011), First Frost (Musa Publishing, June 2012), Glass Frost (Musa Publishing, July 2013), and Morgan (Indie Gypsy, Summer 2014). Her work has also appeared in Night Gypsy: Journey Into Darkness (Indie Gypsy, October 2012) and Someone Wicked (Smart Rhino Publications, Winter 2013).
She is currently working on a new novel and a comic book series titled Zombie Ever After (Emerald Star Comics, Fall 2014)
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