Wednesday, December 6, 2023

BLOG TOUR: Reaper of Chaos by C.D. Britt


Welcome to the Official Blog Tour for author C.D. Britt's Reaper of Chaos, the first book in a new adult fantasy romance series, Blood of Saviors. Today, on our tour stop, we have a sneak peek with an exclusive excerpt! Plus, we have a tour-wide giveaway to share, too! So... Be sure to check it out and start the series NOW! Follow the tour, HERE.

Fantasy Romance
Blood of Saviors, #1
Publish Date:
December 5, 2023

She loves death.
He is Death.
Thanatos took a fifty-year vacation from his duties as Death, psychopomp of the Underworld.
Returning to Halcyon, he meets Lira, a professor of Thanatology with the ability to see souls. . . and
Intrigued, he finds himself obsessed with learning about the woman who studies, and sees, death.
As he finds himself growing closer to the woman who has him fascinated for the first time in centuries, a
devastating problem arises in both the mortal world and the Underworld.
People are no longer dying.
Thanatos and Lira now have a choice to make: each other or death itself.



“You seem like you have some dark shit going on with you, man.”

Thanatos turned to the older male, missing several teeth, who was speaking to him from across the cell. 

“I am the dark shit,” Thanatos growled, agitated that he was sitting in jail, waiting on his phone call since he couldn’t just up and disappear into shadows. 

“How dark we talking? Because I bet I can go darker.” The man flashed Thanatos a nearly toothless smile. 

Thanatos let one side of his lips go up, not in the mood to play games with the locals. When he turned away, the man stood up, puffing out his chest. 

“Hey! I’m talking to you!”

“Yes, I gathered since we are the only two people in this cell together.” Thanatos rolled his eyes and tried to keep himself from becoming so annoyed that he did something thoughtless. He was still far too close to the edge from his bout earlier which landed him in the delightful Halcyon Central holding cells. 

“If I had my knife, you wouldn’t be so tough. I’d cut you up into itty bitty pieces—”

“Wonderful,” Thanatos cut him off. “If you’re done proving your cock is two sizes bigger than mine, I’d like some silence to think.”

A human growl, very unimpressive, gave him more than enough warning. The man launched at him, but instead of his plan to take down the new guy, toothless found himself against the wall with Thanatos’s hand clenching his shirt and his forearm cutting off his air.

The man’s rancid breath hit Thanatos as the man gaped, only serving to further annoy him.  

“I’ve been very, very nice so far. We could have sat nicely like civilized gentlemen, but you had to go and try to prove you have the bigger balls. Congrats. You are a fearsome male. All shall fall to their knees, trembling at the sight of you.” Thanatos pushed his forearm harder. “Except when I say I am the darkness that happens in the shadows,”—he let his face go skeletal— “I am not lying.”

Now fear, along with Thanatos’s arm, choked the man. 

“…no fingerprints in the system, doesn’t even exist. You say when we ran him it flagged you?” An officer opened the door to the hallway where rows of cells were, and Thanatos heedlessly dropped the man to the floor as the once puffed-up male deflated. 

Shoes tapped along the cement floor until two men stood on the other side of the bars where Thanatos found himself contained. 

“Yeah, he is a shifty one. Surprised you managed to catch him.” Stepping in front of Thanatos, Gerrit gave the reaper a smirk before motioning for the officer to unlock the cell door.   

“Fancy seeing you here,” Thanatos remarked as he straightened his sleeves. “I didn’t prepare for company. I was enjoying a little chat with my new friend here since he was certain we have a lot in common.”

The man’s jeans turned dark when Thanatos looked at him, the smell of urine filling the cell. 

Turning back to Gerrit and the officer, Thanatos gave a smile and a shrug. 

“A truly misunderstood soul.” Thanatos walked to the bars where he turned his back to be cuffed again before the door was opened. 

“I’d hate to deprive you of such captivating conversation,” Gerrit laughed, grabbing Thanatos by the elbow and escorting him out. 

“I am glad everyone here can have a good laugh when he killed a guy in broad daylight,” the police officer muttered, locking the cell again and jumping when toothless started to cry, holding onto the metal bunk as he sobbed. 

The officer’s face was horrified at the sight. “He is a drug dealer who has killed so many people. How did…” He turned to look at Thanatos, skepticism brighter than ever in his eyes. 

“Everyone fears something, officer.” Thanatos peered into the man’s eyes, returning his stare without flinching or looking away. 

“Let me handle this,” Gerrit ordered as he gave Thanatos a little push to get him going again. “Thank you, Officer Jansen, for bringing this to my attention. I left the appropriate transfer paperwork on your desk.”

The officer only returned a nod, his eyes never leaving Thanatos as the man in the cell serenaded the room with his heart-wrenching sobs. 

“I think I understand why my uncle wants to throttle you all the time,” Gerrit sighed as they walked out of the dreary hallway, making it through another room where other mortals were staring and moving out of their way. 

They may not know the devil was there, but they sure as hell felt it.


**About the Author**
C.D. Britt began her writing journey when her husband told her she needed to use her excessive imagination to write stories as opposed to creating a daily narrative for him. Ever since she penned her first words, life has been a lot more peaceful for him.

She currently resides in Texas where she has yet to adapt to the heat. Her husband thrives in it, so unfortunately, they will not be relocating to colder climates anytime soon.

Their two young children would honestly complain either way.

When she is not in her writing cave (hiding from the sun), she enjoys ignoring the world as much as her children will allow with a good book, music, and vast amounts of coffee (until it’s time for wine).

C.D. Britt is the author of Shadows & Vines, Sirens & Leviathans, and Storms & Embers.

All three books are part of the Reign of Goddesses series.

Stay connected with C.D. Britt


***The Giveaway***

Giveaway Open Internationally
- ends December 14, 2023
Note: Not Responsible for Lost & Damaged Prizes in Your Mail Box

Blog Tour Organized by

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

BOOK BLITZ: Jumper by Ali Lucia Sky

Today, we are excited to kick off this Book Blitz for Author Ali Lucia Sky's Jumper, book four in the Somnolence series! To celebrate this new release, we have a sneak peek into this next installment in the series with an exclusive excerpt, teasers, AND a blitz-wide giveaway to share! So... Be sure to check it out and grab your copy NOW. Binge the series TODAY!

New Adult/Adult
Paranormal/Fantasy Romance
Rockstar Romance
Somnolence, #5
Publish Date:
November 14, 2023

Cover Designed by:
Marcos Nogueira

It’s so dark in his life that his Claimed mates may never get out.

Becca Grimm is a Legion demon and has known one thing since she was a young girl: she would have a breeding pact. That her breeding pact partner turned out to be her Tether was a dream come true until he broke her heart, and then she wanted to break his face until he crawled back to kiss her feet.

But Jumper’s world is darker and more secretive than he’s ever let on. Even with her guardian-Tethers, at her side, she can barely navigate it. And finding her way back to the light is impossible in a world where wickedness reigns. 

Becca can’t say no to the things Jumper demands of her. She loves the things that Tobin wants from her. And she can’t look away from the things she sees Jumper and Crux do together.

It’s recommended that you read the series in order, beginning with Raiden.

Content Warning: This book includes sexual situations such as MMFM, MF, MM, FF, MFFM, and orgies. Sexual proclivities and kinks such as group sex, voyeurism, exhibitionism, somnophilia, praise, degradation, breeding, bondage and discipline, and cum swapping. Threats and/or discussions of forced breedings, forced bondings, sexual slavery, sexual torture, sexual assault and rape, child abuse, child sexual assault (in memories of an MC and of side character), incest, suicide, suicide ideation and other general messed up fuckery. Events that include murder, mass murder, miscarriage (on and off the screen, not of the FMC), PTSD, cult rites, breeding rituals, and other general messed up fuckery.

It’s recommended that you read the series in order, beginning with Raiden–all previous books available on Kindle Unlimited.




I dial Jumper’s number for the third time. When it goes to voicemail, I growl. It’s just like the jackass to stand us up. Crux, Tobin, Jumper, and I all had plans to go to Sapp’s Coffee Shop for breakfast, but it was two now, and I’d heard nothing from him all day. I stretch and yawn. If I’d known he was going to flake, I would have slept in.

“Becca, mail for you,” Andy says, grinning and tossing me a handful of college packets. I don’t order them, he does. I flip through them. “Northwestern? You think the four of us are going to Illinois?” I raise a brow.

“I don’t care where you go, as long as you don’t end up a statistic,” my brother grumbles. “Where are dumb and dumber?”

“Making food with Adina,” I nod toward the kitchen.

“I know they are your Tethers, but look at me and Adina… we waited, and we survived. You don’t have to rush things. Go to school first, Becca. Claim one another later. Real love can stand still for five minutes.” Andy stands and leaves me with that.

I grab my phone and call Jumper again. When it goes to voicemail this time, I leave him a quick voice message. “Thanks for canceling, drummerboy. Next time, actually let me know you aren’t showing.”

My phone rings as soon as I hang up. Thinking it’s Jumper finally calling, I answer.

“Hello, shit-for-brains–” I start.

Lilah cuts me off. “Is he with you!?”

“Is who with me?” I ask.

“Jump. Is Jump with you?” she asks, tension high in her voice.

I shake my head, though she can’t see it. “No. He’s not with me. He stood me up this morning.”

“When did you last talk to him?” Lilah asks quickly.

“Two days ago,” I answer with my heart racing. I just know something is wrong.

“He’s missing, Becca. Jump is missing. No one has seen him in two days,” Lilah sobs.


Spotify playlist:


Somnolence series:
(covers link to Goodreads)

***FREE on Kindle Unlimited***


**About the Author**
Ali Lucia Sky is the author of The Powers That Be and Somnolence series. She lives in Southern California with her husband and a house full of kitty cats, a yard full of crows, a backyard of ferals and a possum affectionately named Garcia.

She loves laughing, drinking good coffee, vegan food, and supporting animal rescues.

When she isn’t writing or dreaming of new stories, she can be found planning her next vacation because traveling is life.

If you encounter her in the wild, don’t be offended if she should run away. She’s timid with strangers, but can be plied with shiny things and pictures of your cat or dog.

She’s a weirdo like that.

Stay connected with Ali Lucia Sky


***The Giveaway***

Giveaway Open Internationally
~ends November 23, 2023
Note: Not Responsible for Lost & Damaged Prizes in Your Mail Box

Book Blitz Organized by