Today, we are thrilled to kick off this Book Blitz for Award-winning and Amazon Bestselling Author Vera Bell's Into the Lure of Time, the second book in the Always and Forever trilogy! To celebrate this new release, we have a sneak peek with an exclusive excerpt! Plus, we have a blitz-wide giveaway to share, too! So... Be sure to check it out and start the series NOW!

Everything—the floor, the walls, the air—fell away. Only this parchment in my hand remained.
Chimeric. Foretold.
Somewhere deep down, I knew I stood very still, calm, and mute, my eyes fixed on Aedan’s precise English hand. But I also hovered above, crumbling into bleeding bits. Watching my life’s blood drain out of me and wash the world in crimson, drop by drop by drop—
Kian said something, his voice familiar, ordinary. It cannot be. I shifted my gaze to the broken seal. An English forgery to foment strife. A cruel trickery to break our spirit. But there was yet a paragraph unread—
As I shall be returning soon after you take delivery of this dispatch, I trust that as my loyal subject, you will abide my expressed demand in the proper and expeditious fashion commensurate with the sensitivity of this matter. As well, it is my uttermost wish that you will, hitherto, regard me solely as your rightful ruler, and as such, would not seek my audience in any unseemly or unsuitable manner. Furthermore, shall you find yourself in my presence, I rely on your good sense and proper decorum to act toward me with such deference and regard as befits my rank.
Earl II of Tyrone, Lord Aedan O’Neal
This 5th Day of January, 1565
The hall swayed. The parchment slipped from my fingers. His handwriting. His name. His signature. What forgery?
Kian steadied me with his hands on my shoulders, eyes frozen with horror.
He bent to take the parchment, pinching it between his thumb and index finger like it was something vile to touch. Like it would sully anyone mad enough to lay a hand on it.
“Is…is h-he…dead?”
The dais stood wrapped in saffron and gold, awaiting the O’Neal’s return.
I came back to myself. My eyes burned with salt. My throat chafed with sand. My heart burst into icy, piercing shards. How determined he was to go to London, how callous to slam our chamber door.
All content subject to copyright © Vera Bell 2024. All rights reserved.