Friday, October 30, 2015

RELEASE DAY BLITZ: Sudden Desires by Shanora Williams

We are positively ecstatic to share with you this Release Day Blitz for Sudden Desires, the first book in a new erotic romance Sweet Promises Series, by Shanora Williams!

Romantic Suspense/Erotic Romance
Sweet Promises, #1
Publish Date:
October 30, 2015

Screw the ring.
The good life.
My selfish wife.
I have felt abandoned by her for years. Forgotten.

But, all of that has changed.
I've met an incredible woman. I didn't mean for anything to happen with her. We were only supposed to be doing business together. But that sassy mouth, fine ass, and those perky tits got to me. It was a spur of the moment thing - both of us blinded by lust.

Is it bad to crave a woman so badly that you'll do practically anything to hold onto her? Like make sweet promises that you know damn well can't be kept?

Don't be fooled. This newfound "happiness" may only be a fucking façade, and what's worse is that I can't let it go.
Not now.
Probably not ever.

Why? Because there is only so much rejection a man can take before he finally just... gives into temptation.


All I want is the best for Colette. All I want is for her to be happy. We were happy once. Why can’t we go back to that? I mean, I know a lot of shit went down—things that were my fault—but it’s been years. Why hasn’t she forgiven me for it yet?

My forehead drops on the marble wall of the shower. Water streams through my hair, down my chest and back. My face feels smothered with warmth, but it feels good. With my eyes squeezed tight, I try and imagine Colette and all her naked glory.

‘The woman has a banging body, even though her mind and heart is a little ugly.
I imagine those perky pink nipples, her face when I finally get to ramming my cock deep inside her. Only… it doesn’t work this time.

As I pump I can’t feel myself getting hard enough because all I can hear are her negative words. All I can think of is how we truly are failing as a couple.

All I can think about is how I almost got a taste of someone else… Angelina.


Blue eyes appear in my imagination, and I stroke harder. My cock hardens in my hands, the veins bulging as I imagine those aqua irises looking up at me while sucking me dry.
Lapping her tongue around my balls, flicking it across my tip. I shudder as I start to reach the brink. My body locks, palm against the wall, and all I can hear is her calling me Mr. Boyd in that sweet little voice.

She wanted my cock so bad she could taste it, and I wanted a mouthful of her pussy so much I was almost willing to completely demolish my marriage to make that happen.

“Fuck,” I bite out, stroking faster, harder, until finally I explode in my hand, squirting all over the fucking shower wall. “Goddamn,” I groan, pressing the side of my face on the marble.

God, it’s been so long since I’ve cum. So fucking long. I pant, breathing raggedly as I keep my eyes shut, still rubbing the head of my cock, releasing every drop of cum. I can’t believe myself, but it’s the pure imagination of Angelina who has just brought out my release.

It’s her with her lips wrapped around the head of my cock, telling me to relax and to just enjoy the feel. The feel of her, right before she comes up to sit on top of my lap, allowing me to sink deep inside what I know is an eager, wet pussy.


What Others Are Saying...

Omg! And I had thought Tainted Black had wrecked me!! I loved this book. I loved the characters, the unique plot and the sizzling romance.” ~ Lina’s Review Book Blog

“Uh .. OMGAWD .. okay I can’t say much but you need to read this book. What a mind freak. I love Shanora’s books and was giddy to see the ARC for this one on my Kindle.” ~ Ramblings from Beneath the Sheets

“This book is seriously full of (DIRTY) secrets, hidden desires, betrayal, drama, forgotten vows, mistrusts, passion, love affairs, angst, jealousy, LUST-sparks, temptation, angst, hatred, deceit, determination, self-conceited persona's, promises, sleazy businessmen, an alpha male, a bitchy resentful wife, a sexy 'mistress' and a best friend who doesn't deserve the title. Gah, so much twists and turns!” ~ AdequateBookWhore


**About the Author**
Shanora Williams is a twenty-something that creates authentic romantic stories that, may or may not, make you question what a "Happily Ever After" truly is. After hitting the New York Times and USA Today bestsellers list at the mere age of nineteen, Shanora ventured further into the creative writing world, working even harder to create unique and memorable romances for all to enjoy.

She currently resides in Waxhaw, North Carolina and is the mother of one amazing boy, in love with her devoted man, and a sister to eleven.

When she isn't writing, she's spending time with her family, binge reading, or running marathons on Netflix while scarfing down anything sweet and salty. She also writes under the pen name S.Q. Williams.

Stay connected with Shanora Williams


***The Giveaway***

Release Day Blitz Organized by

Thursday, October 29, 2015

JASMINE's THOUGHTS on Supergirl Season 1 Episode 1 - "Pilot" (2015)

About the Show
Supergirl is an action-adventure drama based on the DC Comics character Kara Zor-El, Superman's (Kal-El) cousin who, after 12 years of keeping her powers a secret on Earth, decides to finally embrace her superhuman abilities, and be the hero she was always meant to be.

Twelve-year-old Kara escaped the doomed planet Krypton with her parents' help at the same time as the infant Kal-El. Protected and raised on Earth by her foster family, the Danvers, Kara grew up in the shadow of her foster sister, Alex, and learned to conceal the phenomenal powers she shares with her famous cousin in order to keep her identity a secret. 

Years later at 24, Kara lives in National City assisting media mogul and fierce taskmaster Cat Grant. She works alongside her friend and IT technician Winn Schott and famous photgrapher James Olsen, who Grant just hired away from the Daily Planet to serve as her new art director. However, Kara's days of keeping her talents a secret are over when Hank Henshaw, head of a super-secret ageny where her sister also works, enlists her to help them protect the citizens of National City from sinister threats. Though Kara will need to find a way to manage her newfound empowerment with her very human relationships, her heart soars as she takes to the skies as Supergirl to fight crime.

Stay connected

Melissa Benoist, Calista Flockhart, Chyler Leigh, Mehcad Brooks, Jeremy Jordan, David Harewood

Episode 1 - "Pilot"
After 12 years of keeping her powers a secret on Earth, Kara Zor-El, Superman's cousin, decides to finally embrace her superhuman abilities and be the hero she was always meant to be.

My Thoughts

So...I finally got a chance to watch this first episode of Supergirl! I have been looking forward to this since I heard the news about it! Now that I have watched the premiere episode, I am absolutely floored at how much I loved it! It seriously brought some Superman nostalgia! I loved how there were some cameo appearances by past actors that portrayed favorite superheroes.

The episode opens with a sort of Kara history to the point when she reaches earth and grows up. Now, twenty-something Kara is similar to Clark's personality as in both are somewhat socially awkward...all the while keeping their true identity a secret. Events then start falling into place in which Kara soon has to decide on who she really wants to be...and assimilates herself as the new hero for National City. These events, good and bad, helps Kara decide on what she wants to do and believe.

Of course, Supergirl's story is similar, yet separate, from Superman's story. Well...yah! They both are from Krypton, and will go through the similar cycles in regards to learning how to live on Earth. I really enjoyed the tie-in with Superman's appearance...although shadowed, it helped bring the story together. This is definitely a good start on following the adventures of Kara it as Supergirl or as Kara Danvers.

The cast is amazing! They definitely brought substance to the characters, especialy Melissa Benoist as Supergirl/Kara Danvers. The whole set up of all the characters was well in terms that their places in Kara/Supergirl's life was well defined and explained. The story slowed evenly in which it didn't leave me with questions or doubts, but wanting to watch more of Kara's growth as Supergirl as she embraces who she is...and all the adventures that lie ahead of her.

Of course, I'm speaking as a fangirl as I review this episode...haha! While watching the premiere of this new Fall series on CBS, it brought about that nostalgia of when I was a kid watching Christopher Reeve as Superman. I sure hope there is more cameo roles to appear in this series...maybe even a crossover with other DC adapted shows and/or a Superman appearance. Now, that would be see the cousins last! Well, we will have to see! I know I will keep watching!

Monday nights 8/7c on CBS

TRAILER REVEAL: Oblivion by Jennifer L. Armentrout

We are totally stoked to share with you this Trailer Reveal for Jennifer L. Armentrout's Obliviona Young Adult Paranormal Romance being published by Entangled Teen, and is a part of Jennifer L. Armentrout’s New York Times and USA Today bestselling LUX Series!

Young Adult
Paranormal Romance
LUX, #1.5
Publish Date:
December 1, 2015
Entangled Teen

Experience the epic love story of Obsidian as told by its hero, Daemon Black…

I knew the moment Katy Swartz moved in next door, there was going to be trouble. Lots of it.

And trouble’s the last thing I need, since I’m not exactly from around here. My people arrived on Earth from Lux, a planet thirteen billion light years away. Plus, if there’s one thing I know, it’s that humans can’t be trusted. We scare them. We can do things they only dream about, and honestly, we make them look weak as hell. ‘Cuz they are.

But Kat is getting to me in ways no one else has, and I can't stop myself from wanting her—or wanting to use my powers to protect her. She makes me weak, and I’m the strongest of our kind, tasked with protecting us all. So this one simple girl…she can mean the end for us. Because the Luxen have an even bigger enemy—the Arum, and I need to stay on my game.

Falling for Katy—a human—won't just place her in danger. It could get us all killed, and that’s one thing I’ll never let happen...


Watch the Oblivion Book Trailer now!


Don't miss the previous titles in the LUX Series!

LUX Series Special Collector's Edition Covers!



**About the Author**
# 1 New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, working out, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki.
Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her book Obsidian has been optioned for a major motion picture and her Covenant Series has been optioned for TV.
She also writes adult and New Adult romance under the name J. Lynn.

She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.

Stay connected with Jennifer L. Armentrout


J. Lynn on Goodreads

Trailer Reveal Organized by