Wednesday, December 19, 2018

BLOG TOUR: Beneath the Lighthouse by Julieanne Lynch

Welcome to the Official Blog Tour + Giveaway for Julieanne Lynch's Beneath the Lighthouse! Today, on our tour stop, we have an exclusive excerpt to share! Plus, we even have a book trailer to share, too!!! Sooo... Check it out and grab your copy now! Follow the tour, HERE!

Young Adult
Publish Date:
June 26, 2018
Vesuvian Books

Sixteen-year-old Jamie McGuiness’s sister is dead.

Sinking into a deep depression, he frequents the lighthouse where her body was discovered, unaware of the sinister forces surrounding him.

When an angry spirit latches onto Jamie, he’s led down a dark and twisted path, one that uncovers old family secrets, destroying everything Jamie ever believed in.

Caught between the world of the living and the vengeful dead, Jamie fights the pull of the other side. It’s up to Jamie to settle old scores or no one will rest in peace — but, first, he has to survive.


Jamie walked into the small kitchen. He glanced at Ma. She stood by the cooker, holding baby Sarah in her arms, trying to console the child.
Jack banged his fork on the table and glared at Sonya. “Shut the wee fucker up.”
“She can’t help it. She’s cutting a tooth.” A tear rolled down Sonya’s cheek.
Jamie held out his hands. “Give her to me.”
He held her against his chest and rocked her in his arms. The movement helped soothe her, though he earned a look of contempt from his father.
“You’re a smart wee bastard, aren’t you?” Jack asked. He clenched his fists into tight balls, his knuckles growing white.
“Just leave it, Da,” Jamie said.
Jack smashed his fist on the table, causing the beer can to jump. “Leave it? Who are you to tell me what to do in my own home?”
“Jamie, stop it, please,” Sonya said, her fingers curling around his shoulder.
The chair scraped along the floor as Jack stood.
The six-year-old twins, Paul and Thomas, stood in the hallway, their little eyes wild with fear.
Thomas wrapped his arm around Paul’s shoulder and held him close. “Come on, let’s watch some tele,” he said.
Her face laced with worry, Sonya turned her head toward the twins.
“You’re some wise lad, aren’t you?” Jack asked, and walked over to where Jamie stood. “Thinking you can do whatever the feck you want.”
“I took the money because Sarah needed nappies and there was nothing for the boys for tea,” Jamie replied.
Jack’s nostrils flared. “Give your mother the baby.”
Jamie’s heart thumped hard.
Unable to look at Jamie, Sonya took Sarah into her arms. The fight had long left her. In its place stood a woman broken, about to crumble.
Jamie swallowed hard. “It was only twenty quid, Da.” Knots tightened in the pit of his stomach.
“That money was mine, lad. You had no right going through my things.”
“But … the boys would have gone hungry.” Tears burned the back of his eyes.
Jack grabbed Jamie by the throat and pushed him against the wall.
Jamie gasped for breath. The crazed look in his father’s eyes terrified Jamie as Jack’s fingers tightened.
Jamie dug his nails into his father’s skin. He had to make Jack loosen his hold, but it was pointless.
“Jack, stop it,” Sonya begged. Her pleas echoed Sarah’s screams.
Jamie pushed off the wall and twisted his body in a last attempt to break Jack’s hold.
Thomas and Paul stood in the doorway, their mouths agape.
Jack drove him back against the wall. Jamie’s head hit with enough force, his legs turned to jelly.
“I’ll kill you,” Jack said. “No one steals from me. I fecking tell you, no one.”
Jamie’s head grew light. He let out one last desperate breath.
Jack loosened his grip and released Jamie from his clutches. Jack’s breath was labored as he breathed into Jamie’s face like a menacing beast.
“Next time, I’ll put you six feet under.” He walked away, taking his can of beer with him.

Copyright © 2018 by Julieanne Lynch


Beneath the Lighthouse grabs you by the nether regions from the word go. Then it squeezes. Hard. With a nailed glove … A truly scary ghost story … a powerful ‘coming of age’ drama … a young man growing into adulthood against a backdrop of despair and quite shocking abuse … unpredictable and ever building. Blood and bone revenge, retribution and salvation. The strength of friendship, the power of love. You feel the dread and the underlying fear … not your typical tale. And what a tale it is.” ―EM Faustus  


**About the Author**
Photo Content from Julieanne Lynch
Julieanne Lynch is an author of YA and Adult genre urban fantasy, crime and contemporary romance books. Julieanne was born in Northern Ireland, but spent much of her early life in London, United Kingdom, until her family relocated back to their roots.

Julieanne lives in Northern Ireland, with her husband and five children, where she is a full-time author. She studied English Literature and Creative Writing at The Open University and considered journalism as a career path. Julieanne has several projects optioned for film.

Julieanne is both traditionally and independently published.  

Stay connected with Julieanne Lynch


***The Giveaway***

Giveaway Is Open Internationally | Must be 13+ to Enter
Note: Not Responsible for Lost & Damaged Prizes in Your Mail Box
Blog Tour Organized by

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

BLOG TOUR: 7th Grade Revolution by Liana Gardner

Welcome to the Official Blog Tour for Liana Gardner's 7th Grade Revolution! On our tour stop today, we have a review AND a book trailer to share! So... Take a look at what I thoughts on this book and grab your copy now!! Don't forget to follow the tour, HERE!

Middle Grade
Pre-teen Fiction
Publish Date:
October 24, 2017
Vesuvian Books

Luke Spooner


Inspired by True Events

Dennis Alexander: Washington Academy Middle School promises to be another in the long line of boring schools he has been expelled from.

Rhonda Snodgrass: Although trained from childhood in survival tactics, she tries to stay off the radar of the “cool” kids who think she’s weird. 

7th grade turns out to be anything but normal when teachers announce the students’ bloodless revolution succeeded and they are now in charge. After conducting a secret-ballot vote on policy, the 7th graders emerge to find the school evacuated and the FBI lurking outside with the task of unearthing a treasure of national importance. 

The students’ mission is clear—discover the treasure before the FBI locks down the building. Dennis and Rhonda lead the revolt and must work together to follow century-old clues left by a crazy Revolutionary War buff. 

To stay one step ahead of the FBI, they must delve into history and amass an arsenal to defend their school … because this is WAR

*FREE on Kindle Unlimited*

2018 American Fiction Awards Winner for Pre-Teen Fiction (Ages 10-12)
2018 Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Finalist for Best Juvenile Fiction
2018 International Book Awards Finalist for Children's Fiction
2018 Hollywood Book Festival Honorable Mention for Children's Fiction


"7th Grade Revolution is a thrilling and engrossing ride through past and present based on real events in North Carolina. Though technically a middle grade book, I feel readers of all ages will enjoy this novel. Trust me, you won't want to put it down." ―Tracy Riva, Midwest Book Review

"... a stunning new Middle Grade novel that is part historical fiction, part action adventure mystery, and all around fun. Featuring a cast of wacky, interesting kids I was hooked on page one and enjoyed every twist and turn of the creative plot. Gardner is a writer to watch." ―Dan Elish, Award-Winning Author of BORN TOO SHORT: The Confessions of an Eighth-Grade Basket Case

"... an exciting, smartly written book filled with adventure, intrigue, and history in a modern school setting. Luke Spooner's accompanying art is simply spot on. I can't wait for my daughter to read this, and there's no higher compliment than that." ―Mercedes M. Yardley, Bram Stoker Award-Winning Author of Little Dead Red

So, I arrived home earlier today to find your book on my front porch and I have just come up for air, realizing that I haven't even eaten since I picked it up. (It's 11:00) I don't even know where to begin. Should I start with the dedication that brought me to tears? The first time I saw my name as the teacher and I gasped? (I really had forgotten that you had said you would use my name!) The fact that the beginning of the book is so very reminiscent of the real thing? The illustration toward the end when I saw myself? All of those things were beyond my expectations, but what I really want to say is that the book held me captive from beginning to end. You captured the middle school mind perfectly, showing their insecurities as well as the amazing strength that is just below the surface. Bravo! It is a wonderful book and I can see it being used during a study of government as a class read. The illustrator is also superb. I could go on and on. (I also am really amazed at how you captured me as a teacher ... how did you do that?) So thank you, thank you, thank you! I loved every part of this book and I am so very proud, as I said earlier, to have had any part in it. ―Karen Rectanus, Exploris Middle School    


**About the Author**
Photo Content from Liana Gardner
Liana Gardner is the award-winning author of 7th Grade Revolution and the Misfit McCabe series. Daughter of a rocket scientist and an artist, Liana combines the traits of both into a quirky yet pragmatic writer and in everything sees the story lurking beneath the surface. Engaged in a battle against leukemia and lymphoma, Liana spends much of her time at home, but allows her imagination to take her wherever she wants to go. She fostered her love of writing after reading Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women and discovering she had a great deal in common with the character Jo. The making up of stories, dramatic feelings, and a quick temper were enough for her to know she and Jo would have been kindred spirits. Liana volunteers with high school students through the International Trade Education Programs (ITEP). ITEP unites business people and educators to prepare students for a meaningful place in the world of tomorrow. Working in partnership with industry and educators, ITEP helps young people “think globally and earn locally.” 

Stay connected with Liana Gardner


*My Thoughts*

Note: This Review contains NO spoilers

An entertaining easy read for children and middle graders. Inspired by true events, Liana has written a delightful and clean story filled with adventure and mystery, with some intricate twists and turns that made this a fun read. With an interesting story and diverse characters, 7th Grade Revolution made for an insightful and thrilling action adventure that was not only fun to read, but also a clever tie in which relayed the relevance of school education and parenting is to not just these young characters, but or all children and middle graders in general. This will get those young minds thinking... 🤔🤔🤔

My rating:


***The Giveaway***

Giveaway is Open Internationally | Must be 13+ to Enter
Note: Not Responsible for Lost & Damaged Prizes in Your Mail Box
Blog Tour Organized by

Monday, December 17, 2018

KINDLE FORCE: Death By The River by Alexandrea Weis and Lucas Astor

Today, we are kicking off this 5-day Kindle Force for Death By The River by Alexandrea Weis and Lucas Astor! As we kick off this promo event, today, we have an exclusive excerpt AND a book trailer to share!!! So... Grab Death By The River ebook at this special promotional price of $2.99 for the duration of this event. Make sure you get your copy now!!!

Young Adult
Publish Date:
October 2, 2018
Vesuvian Books


Along the banks of the Bogue Falaya River, sits the abandoned St. Francis Seminary. Beneath a canopy of oaks, blocked from prying eyes, the teens of St. Benedict High gather here on Fridays. The rest of the week belongs to school and family—but weekends belong to the river.

And the river belongs to Brice Devereaux.

The only child of a powerful family, Brice can do no wrong. Handsome. Charming. Intelligent. The star quarterback of the football team. The “prince” of St. Benedict is the ultimate catch.

He is also a psychopath.

A dirty family secret buried for years, Brice’s evil grows unchecked. In the shadows of the ruined St. Francis Abbey, he commits unspeakable acts on his victims and ensures their silence with threats and intimidation. Senior year, Brice sets his sights on his girlfriend’s headstrong twin sister, Leslie, who hates him. Everything he wants but cannot have, she will be his ultimate prize.

As the victim toll mounts, it becomes crystal clear that someone has to stop Brice Devereaux.

And that someone will pay with their life.

Readers of Death by the River will encounter situations of violence and sexual abuse which could be upsetting.


Leslie and Derek

Leslie followed him along the shoreline until they came to a rusted iron gate with a No Trespassing sign secured to it. Decorated with crosses and swirls, the sign marked the entrance to The Abbey grounds. Stepping through the open gate, she peered up at the imposing structure.
Two spires of white limestone, shaped like the tip of a sword, cut into the blue sky. The structure of red brick and limestone, the front windows and doors secured with loose scraps of plywood, sat in the middle of a field of high grass. The squat stone building of cloisters behind The Abbey remained intact. The Benedictine monks who had run the seminary school demolished the dormitories, refectory, and library after the site had been abandoned.
“Some place, huh?” Derek let go of her hand and trudged his way across the high grass.
Leslie’s apprehension bloomed in her chest. The grounds, unkempt after years of neglect, were a hodgepodge of weeds, overgrown trees, and green vines. On the way across the thigh-high grass, they passed a beautiful triple-tiered fountain with an angel on top, raising her arms to the heavens—a silent witness to the past.
How do people come here at night?
“You ever wonder why those priests just up and left it?” she asked, uncomfortable with the eerie quiet. Even the birds had stopped singing. “I know everyone in town says they got a better offer from the seminary in New Orleans, but it seems funny a bunch of people abandoned the place for no reason.”
“They left because it’s a wreck.” Derek parted a thick pile of tall grass with his shoe. “My mom told me it was falling apart when she was a kid, and the Archdiocese didn’t have the money to fix it. So they packed up the seminary school, the priests, and all the staff and shipped them to New Orleans.”
“Seems a shame, though. I read once that the structure dates back to the early 1800s when the Devereaux family built it as a private church.” Leslie eyed the frame of the empty belfry atop one of the square-shaped towers. “You’d think they’d want to save it.”
Derek nudged her with his elbow. “Maybe the ghost drove the priests away.”
Beau’s tale had been in the back of her head the whole time, but Derek’s comment spooked the crap out of her. “By ghost, do you mean the lady in white?”
“Yep.” He scanned the land around them. “They say she wears a glistening white cloak and wanders the priests’ cells. She only appears when the moon is full or during storms.”
The thought of being alone in such a disturbing place terrified her. “Have you ever seen the ghost?”
Leslie kicked herself for letting him talk her into coming to the remote location. “What about the wild dogs? Have you seen them around The Abbey?”
“Not to worry, baby. I’ll protect you from ghosts, wild dogs, and Beau Devereaux.” He climbed the granite steps, encouraging her to join him. “But I have to draw the line at your mother. There’s no way I’m taking her on in a fight.”

Copyright © 2018 by Alexandrea Weis & Lucas Astor

Death by the River was born from a nightmare. Lucas Astor has strange dreams. After Alexandrea Weis teamed up with him on the multi-award-winning Magnus Blackwell Series, their agent felt her experience as a nurse with victims of sexual assault could breathe life into the characters who suffer at the hands of the psychologically twisted Beau Devereaux. Weis's understanding of mental health issues also brought to life Beau’s decline into depravity.



"... a thrilling psychological work ... Catching the current vogue of teen psycho and revenge tales like Bates Motel and 13 Reasons Why ... a horrifically brilliant book ... Beau Devereaux could have easily been a clichéd psycho, but the plot constructed around him and his development during the novel really shone as a masterpiece of character creation ... much in the style of Dexter or Hannibal." ―K.C. Finn, Multi-Award-Winning Author

"Rare is the story that simmers and rises to a boil so naturally and constantly that the reader manages to be repeatedly shocked ... a full-speed rollercoaster that doesn't slow down until the final page. Employing an evocative setting, powerfully defined characters, and taking along hard look at the darker side of human desire, this novel will catch your breath and hold it until the very end. RECOMMENDED" ―Michael Radon, US Review

"While the authors have written a chilling story here, there's more to Death by the River than thrills. It's actually a fascinating study into the effects of good and bad parenting on children. Do it badly and parents, children and society as a whole pay the consequences. This book is not just an exciting read; it's a sobering one." ―Viga Boland, Retired high school English teacher and Author of No Tears for my Father: Viga's true story of incest

"While the story follows compelling characters, it also plunges readers into an intriguing setting. It is ironical that the horrors are taking place along the river that runs so close to a seminary, an establishment that should evoke a powerful sense of God and reverence for life. The characters are sophisticated and readers will learn to honestly hate the villain of the story -- he is well imagined and developed with skill. In a subtle way, the authors allow his crooked mind to reveal itself. Like most serial killers, he is a charmer and an intelligent young man, but beneath the cool surface is a cauldron of simmering evil. Weis and Astor have written a riveting crime tale with strong psychological underpinnings. Death by the River is ingeniously plotted, written in gorgeous prose, and featuring a strong conflict that propels the narrative forward. The suspense intensifies as the story moves on, with the reader always feeling as though something awful could happen at any moment, and this feeling grows in intensity until the explosive climax. A real thriller!" ―Romuald Dzemo, Readers' Favorite

"A suspense-filled thriller steeped in equal parts atmosphere, insanity, and revenge." ―Mary Ting, Award-Winning Author of ISAN: International Sensory Assassin Network

"Weis and Astor have created something so dark, edgy, and gritty, it will stay with you long after you close the book." ―Julieanne Lynch, Dragon Award Finalist: Horror (2018)

"... a crime thriller that pulls readers into the twisted mind of the protagonist and holds them engaged till the exhilarating finish. The writing is flawless ... Death by the River is psychologically engaging, emotionally rich, and utterly absorbing." ―Christian Sia


**About the Authors**
Born and raised in New Orleans, Alexandrea Weis grew up in the motion picture industry and began writing at the age of eight. After finishing her Ph.D. in Nursing, Alexandrea decided to pick up the pen again. She has published a number of award-winning novels, and won countless national awards for fiction. A certified/permitted wildlife rehabber with the La. Wildlife and Fisheries, when not writing, Alexandrea rescues orphaned and injured wildlife. She and her husband live in New Orleans.

Stay connected with Alexandrea Weis


Lucas Astor is from New York, has resided in Central America and the Middle East, and traveled through Europe. He lives a very private, virtually reclusive lifestyle, preferring to spend time with a close-knit group of friends than be in the spotlight.

He is an author and poet with a penchant for telling stories that delve into the dark side of the human psyche. He likes to explore the evil that exists, not just in the world, but right next door behind a smiling face.

Archery, photography, making wine, listening to jazz, blues, and classical music, and helping endangered species are just some of his interest.

One of his favorite quotes is:  “It’s better to be silent than be a fool.”  ~Harper Lee (To Kill a Mockingbird)


Weis and Astor’s first collaboration was the multi-award-winning Magnus Blackwell Series.

Photo Content from Alexandrea Weis and Lucas Astor


***The Giveaway***

Giveaway Open Internationally | Must be 13+ to Enter
Note: Not Responsible for Lost & Damaged Prizes in Your Mail Box

Kindle Force Organized by