Welcome to the Official Blog Tour + Giveaway for Emily Bybee's Fatal Magic, the second title in the Unstable Magic series! Today, on release day, we are celebrating this book birthday and kicking off this blog tour with an exclusive excerpt AND tour-wide giveaway!!! So... Be sure to check it out and grab your copy now!!! Follow the tour, HERE!

Young Adult
Paranormal/Fantasy Romance
Unstable Magic, #2
Publish Date:
December 16, 2019
Wild Rose Press
Someone wants Sydney dead. Only problem is, she has no idea who. Pushing her off a cliff, thinking the deadly ocean waves will finish their dirty-work, was their first mistake. The near-death experience opens channels of uncontrollable magic, which Sydney is told should have remained dormant. As if finding out magic is real and hit-lists aren't enough, Sydney discovers her family lied to her. They were witches too. But they're all dead. And she's left to fend off the psychos after her blood with only Luke, her childhood crush turned steamy college student, on her side. Turns out being a witch isn't as awesome as you'd think, especially when your magic has fatal consequences.

Sequel to:

Young Adult
Paranormal/Fantasy Romance
Unstable Magic, #2
Publish Date:
December 16, 2019
Wild Rose Press
Someone wants Sydney dead. Only problem is, she has no idea who. Pushing her off a cliff, thinking the deadly ocean waves will finish their dirty-work, was their first mistake. The near-death experience opens channels of uncontrollable magic, which Sydney is told should have remained dormant. As if finding out magic is real and hit-lists aren't enough, Sydney discovers her family lied to her. They were witches too. But they're all dead. And she's left to fend off the psychos after her blood with only Luke, her childhood crush turned steamy college student, on her side. Turns out being a witch isn't as awesome as you'd think, especially when your magic has fatal consequences.

Chapter One
A noxious scent assaulted my nose
the moment I stepped into my room. With a hand over my face, I dropped my swim
bag by the bed and glared at my roommate, Rowan.
“What did you put in it this time?”
I waved at the oil diffuser that continued to pump toxic vapor into the air.
She didn’t lift her attention from
the chemistry textbook in her lap. “It’ll help us remember everything for the
test tomorrow. It’s eucalyptus, tea tree, patchouli, cypress, a couple of
others, and peppermint of course.”
“Of course.” Rowan claimed
peppermint would cure everything from headaches to zits. I flopped on my bed
and looked at the poster tacked to the ceiling above me. Golden eyes stared
back from the cheetahs, my favorite animal.
“You’ll get used to the smell in a
few minutes.”
“I’m not studying.” I wrinkled my
nose. “I don’t need to remember more chemistry. I have a C.”
“How can you be happy with a C?” she
gasped. “Chemistry is like the key to life.”
“I will never need to remember
anything in that book.” I waved to the text and met her glare with raised
eyebrows. “Come on, let’s do something fun.”
She rolled her eyes. “Some of us
have to keep our GPA up.”
Rowan was on a scholarship. She had
to keep her Grade Point Average above a three- point-seven five to stay in
school. I groaned into my pillow at the thought of trying to cram more useless
molecular knowledge into my unwilling brain. “Hand me your book. I’ll quiz
Her face brightened like a puppy
who’d been asked if she wanted to go for a walk. “Really? You’re the best-est
friend ever.”
The music erupting from my cell
phone stopped my response.
Rowan glanced at the display and
stuck her tongue out. “Uncle Pete.”
I groaned, but a small seed of hope
sprouted—like it always did when he called. I quashed the hope and denied the
call before the inevitable disappointment set in. “The token phone call.”
“You aren’t going to answer?”
I got to my feet on legs that were
already feeling two hours spent in the pool at swim and dive practice. “No,
let’s go for a run.”
“It’s okay, you go ahead.” Rowan
hunched her back and smashed her face into the chemistry book. Her long dark
hair fell forward and muffled her voice. “I have to figure out these acid-base
Slipping on my running shoes, I grabbed
her notecards. “We can quiz each other while we run. It’ll be fun.” I waved the
cards just out of her grasp. “I seem to remember some smart person telling me
about a study saying you learn things better if you’re moving.”
“Fine. I guess getting the blood
flow going might help.” She stretched and groaned. “I can’t feel my feet.”
An hour later, I sat at my desk,
water bottle in hand. Running outside in the brisk air and brilliant fall
leaves calmed my nerves like nothing else. Our boarding school sat on
eight-hundred acres of Hudson River Valley heaven near New York City.
My cell phone, which I’d left in our
dorm, during our run, spouted its ringtone again.
“It’s probably your uncle. You
should answer,” Rowan said.
I waved it off. “I’ll call him
tomorrow. You getting an A is more important.”
Shaking her head, she grabbed the
phone. Her brow wrinkled. “It’s a weird number.” She smirked and answered.
“Sydney’s House of Limp Noodles, how may I direct your call?”
I stifled my laughter.
The smile faded from Rowan’s face.
With a tilt of my head, I mouthed,
“May I ask who’s calling?” she
asked, in a tone I’d only ever heard her use with teachers.
Nausea tightened my stomach, and my
left hand went to the ring on my right ring finger, my own personal nervous
habit. Some people twirl their hair or bite their nails—I mess with my ring.
It’s better than sucking on pens, if you ask me.
With her hand over the mouthpiece,
she held the phone away from her face and screeched, “You’re going to want to
take this. It’s him.”
I pushed away from my desk. “What?
She held out her arms and shook her
head. “Who have you been talking about for, like, years?”
I threw my hands out in the air.
“Seriously?” She scrunched up her nose and
blinked a few times. “You think a vampire is on the phone? It’s Luke.”
Every muscle froze. I stared at my
cell as if I could see the caller through the minuscule holes in the receiver.
I’d decided Luke was the boy I wanted to marry at the age of six. I might have
still been harboring a fantasy or three along those lines.
Rowan gave me an encouraging nod and
busied herself with dumping something new in the oil diffuser. The toxic fumes
mixed with a soothing lavender scent.
“Hello?” I squeaked. Rowan’s brow
furrowed, and she motioned for me to breathe. I inhaled the fragrant mist. A
calmness spread over me.
“Sydney? It’s Luke. How are you
doing?” His voice had changed since we last talked. Deeper now, and more
masculine in tone.
“I’m great, awesome. I’m…” I
stammered. My gaze searched the room for something more exciting than studying.
They settled on the warmer on Rowan’s dresser. “Waxing my armpits.”
I bit my lips and pinched the bridge
of my nose.
“Ouch,” he said.
Ripping out sweaty hair. Sexy. My
heart thudded against my ribcage. Rowan smacked her own forehead and collapsed
onto her bed like a silent movie star. I sent her a glare.
“Syd, there’s something I need to
tell you. My mom called you earlier on Pete’s phone. I’m not sure how to say
this.” His tone conveyed the message clearly. He definitely hadn’t called to
profess his undying love.
My voice sounded hollow, even to my
own ears. “Then just say it.”
“Your uncle had a heart attack this
morning. I’m sorry Syd. He’s gone.”
I didn’t hear anything else he said.
The phone dropped to the floor from my frozen fingers.
Copyright©2019 Emily Bybee
Sequel to:
(cover links to Goodreads)
**About the Author**

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