Welcome to the #PNR and #UF Giveaway Party!
Who’s ready for a giveaway you can get your hands on? A bunch of authors got together to bring your this Big Box of Paperbacks Giveaway! One lucky winner is going to win SIXTY-TWO (62) Paperback Books! How’s that for an epic Book-Lover’s Prize?! If you are a fan of Urban Fantasy, Dystopian Fiction, or Paranormal/SciFi Romance, you’re going to want to get in on this! The best part is that even if you don’t win, you’ll be subscribed to the sponsoring authors newsletters for a chance to grab some freebies, snag some special offers, and enter more giveaways!
Here are a few sneak peeks!
Here are a few sneak peeks!

Alice set her backpack on the ground and cracked her knuckles. Unzipping the backpack, she removed a smaller bag from within and pulled a peculiar looking old Polaroid Instant Camera out. The hairs on her arms stood on end as she carefully handled the machine, an instrument so old it had been taking pictures since before she was born.
The camera was black all over and had a matte finish. A red stripe ran across the top with the word ‘Trapper’ written in black paint. Feeling cool to the touch, it seemed to almost hum in her hand, as if singing with delight—if such a thing was even possible. Alice flicked the camera on, waited for a second, and brought it up to eye level.
“You’re going to take our picture, now?” Mack asked.
Alice spun around and saw him through the eye of the camera. Aside from the trigger button, the camera had a slider toggle on the side. One setting read “REF,” the other read “MAT”. It was always set to REF because setting it to MAT and accidentally triggering it with a human in view wasn’t something she wanted to risk doing. Alice double checked—REF. Concentrating her will into the camera, Mack and Sherry’s forms suddenly seemed to shimmer as if seen through water, like swimming shadows in the gloomy darkness of the corridor. Then they disappeared.
When she was looking through the eye of her camera, it was as if she had become a part of the camera itself. Her field of vision wasn’t constricted to a tiny square of light, but rather expanded so that she could see more of the world than she could with the naked eye.
“No,” Alice said, “I’m going to take its picture.”
“Is… that how you… do it?”
Alice lowered the camera and let the smile come naturally to her face. “Do what?”
“How you, you know, deal with these things.”
“I don’t think a pair of good, church-going Catholics such as yourselves really want to know the answer to that question. Best leave the Necromancy to the heathens, as it says in the Bible.”
“You know the Bible?”
“You sound surprised.”
Something smashed on the other side of the door. Sherry jumped and made a sound half way between a laugh and a cry before hiding behind her husband. Mack’s eyebrows met in the middle and he clenched his jaw. The sound hadn’t startled Alice, but it had set her body alight with anticipation and excitement. The drums of war had started beating.
See the full Half-Lich series on Goodreads:

I blinked back tears as I thought of Olivia’s tragedy. The whole idea of death brought a lump to my throat and resurfaced memories that I thought I’d gotten over. Emma rubbed my back to comfort me because she knew the subject of death was a touchy one.
As I stared at the floor, afraid to look up for fear that tears might start falling, an invisible force—something unknown willing me to look—pulled my chin up. My gaze fell upon the empty hallway to the right of the commons area where students hadn’t yet been released to roam for the day.
In the middle of the hallway stood a tall, beautiful girl with blonde hair and dark brown eyes. She looked at me across the distance, her eyes full of emotion. I couldn’t pinpoint exactly what she was trying to say with her expression, except that I knew it was urgent.
As soon as I spotted her, the bell rang, announcing that students could now go to their lockers and prepare for class. The crowd dispersed from the commons into the hallway and blocked my view of the girl. The students hurried down the hall as if they didn’t see her. I kept my eye on where she was standing, but I didn’t see her again.
“Crystal.” Emma’s voice seemed far off, a distant hum in my confusion.
The faintness I felt just moments ago returned. My heart pounded in my ears, and for a second, my knees felt unstable. I gripped the edge of the fundraising table for support.
Emma snapped her fingers in front of my face. “Crystal,” she said again as her voice came back into focus.
I was suddenly whipped back into reality, dazed. “Wh—what?”
“Are you okay?” Emma asked with a tone of serious concern. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
I let the statement sink in for a moment. “Yeah,” I said. But I wasn’t answering her initial question. I was agreeing with her latter statement.
But I didn’t see a ghost. I couldn’t have. An odd sensation stirred as a chill spread from my spine to the end of my fingertips. This was the same type of chill I used to get when I had my imaginary friend Eva over for tea before I started kindergarten. I’m imagining things, I told myself, mostly as reassurance.
But I had seen her clear as day. Olivia Owen had stood in the hallway and begged for my help with nothing but an expression. Yet how could that be when she died a year ago?
Emma took my arm and led me to our lockers as I silently assured myself I wasn’t crazy.
See the full Crystal Frost series:
*Fire in Frost (book 1) is Free, for a limited time only*

Beads of sweat broke out along my hairline. I wiped them away, tightened my ponytail, and ran faster along the dirt trail, jumping over exposed roots and ducking under low-hanging branches. Pine trees, firs, and alders turned my path into more of an obstacle course than a trail.
A twig snapped behind me.
I glanced back, but didn’t see anything. Probably just a raccoon.
My sneaker hit a root and my arms flew in front of me. I landed on my hands and knees, and slid down an incline. Rocks and branches dug into my skin until I crashed into a huckleberry bush.
I stood and dusted myself off. Blood dripped from my legs. I pulled twigs, dirt, and small rocks from the cuts. “Nice work, Victoria,” I muttered to myself.
Sasha had said I shouldn’t have gone into the forest for my first jog. But having just moved to the beautiful Olympic Peninsula, I wasn’t about to join a club when I had the great outdoors. Birds chirped all around and a stream bubbled nearby. It was like the woods were telling me I’d made the right choice.
Another snap.
“Who’s there?” I sounded a lot braver than I felt. My heart thundered against my ribcage and I whipped my head around. My roommates had said the woods were safe, but I was also trusting people who had been strangers only a couple days earlier.
Why had I gone into the woods alone? Wasn’t that how half of all horror movies started?
I thought of Sasha running on a treadmill, flirting with cute college guys. Maybe she was the smart one.
“Hello?” I called.
Nothing. The birds had even stopped singing.
“Is anyone there?”
The footsteps came closer.
My pulse drummed in my ears. I fought to breathe normally.
A small gray and black wolf stepped out from behind the tree. He made eye contact with me.
I didn’t move a muscle, holding its gaze.
See the full Curse of the Moon series:

I hoped Araña would scare Lia off without any real violence. Though I couldn’t be certain how far he’d go. Like a chained attack dog, there’s no way to control him once he’s unleashed.
Hoping for the best, I grabbed my cell and sent Araña a 911 text. Our problem code. Not exactly original, but it served the purpose. Since I didn’t send an address, he’d show up here at my apartment.
I barely hit the send button when I felt cold steel against my left temple. From somewhere, Lia had managed to pull a little black pistol. Happened in the blink of an eye. The gun was so small she could’ve had it hidden in her ass.
She snatched my cell from my hand and dashed it against the wall. My smartphone fell in shattered pieces. In one move my whole life had been smashed to bits and laid out on the floor. Every connection I had on this continent was programmed into my cell phone.
The scary part was how fast she moved. Hell, I didn’t see her move.
“It would be so convenient to kill you right this second.” Her ice-cold smile freaked me out.
I needed to do something, she had a gun on me and she wanted to use it. She suspected I’d called someone for help. She was furious. The situation had become uncontrollable, and she hated things she couldn’t control. She imagined tearing into me with her nails and teeth, bathing in my blood and entrails.
“I promise I’ll never say a word to anyone, ever. You don’t have to do this.” My words tumbled out fast and urgent.
I’ve read a lot of strange people’s thoughts in my life. Perverts, bigots, religious fanatics, weirdoes, idiots, pedophiles, all kinds of oddity and creepiness. This woman topped them all. My stomach clenched into knots. My throat constricted and it was hard to breathe. I was so terrified, she had me literally shaking. No one had ever given me such a vivid vision of carnage so personal, my own mutilated body.
She smiled at me knowingly as she imagined the various ways she might filet my flesh. “Put your robe on if you want to live a few seconds longer.” She spoke of letting me live while contemplating my death.
Naturally, I did exactly as she ordered. The girl meant business. She radiated a barely contained, raw aggression, an unbelievably strong desire to hurt me. She flicked her gun towards the door. She wanted to leave before whoever I’d called showed up to complicate matters. I didn’t argue, but snatched up my purse on the way out the door.
My life was in that purse: expired Visa, five hundred in cash, bankcard, and a box of condoms. That about summed up my miserable existence, an illegal immigrant taking money for sex.
I prayed silently for Araña to catch up with us on the way out. I doubted he’d make it on time. He’d probably miss us by several minutes.
“I’m not going to kill you. We need to see someone.” Lia’s gun never wavered, and neither did her intent to do me vicious harm in the very near future.
See the full Nightlife series:
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