Thursday, April 30, 2015

JASMINE's THOUGHTS on Child of Atlantis: Ascension by Perry Covington

Young Adult
Fantasy/Sci-fi Action/Adventure
Origins Series, #1
Publish Date:
March 16, 2015

Everything you think you know about history is wrong.

What you don't know can get you killed.

Max had always been a painfully normal kid, until he discovers that he is a descendant of the lost Empire of Atlantis. The Atlanteans possess superhuman powers, are technologically advanced, and have been the sworn protectors and teachers of humanity since time immemorial.

A group known as the Fallen, an opposing faction of Atlanteans who wish to destroy all the "Earthborn", threaten their benevolent mission. The world has become plagued with war and famine and, all the while, the Fallen close their grip on our planet.

Maxis the Key to tipping the balance of this ancient war, but he must first trek across Europe to find his kidnapped parents, with the help of a malfunctioning robot and a combat  hardened Atlantean girl.

Two superpowers collide across the European continent to gain control of Max, as he desperately searches for his parents. On his journey, Max will not only learn about the hidden history of the world, he will also learn that the responsibility of earth's very survival rests squarely on his shoulders.

So, you know, no pressure.


Start the Origins Series now



**About the Author**
Perry Covington is the author of Child of Atlantis: Ascension, book one of the Origins series. He has several other works in progress, which includ The Caster Wars and The Watcher series. He is also co-founder of the Think Kings Creative Studio, a group who endeavors to bring indie fictional works to the forefront of mainstream entertainment.

Perry is a journalist for several California publications. He lives in Southern California with his wife, two daughters, and a crazy dog named Ninja.

Stay connected with Perry Covington


*My Thoughts*

Note: This review contains NO spoilers

First off....whoa! Child of Atlantis: Ascension is the first of seven in a series which is filled with adventure, action, mystery, and teen angst. I was completely drawn in from the beginning when Max, your normal average teen, learns that there is more to his world that he knows of. With well developed characters and imaginative world-building, Perry created and action/adventure story filled with fantasy, science-fiction, and mythological elements that kept me turning the pages. Of course, there is also the possibility of a teen romance....well, you know how teens are, "someone has a crush on somebody"...hahaha!! I loved how it was subtly written in, and not overpowering that it dominated the story.

I also loved all the references to popular fandoms...this is something any fangirl/fanboy can relate to. And...that cliffhanger!!??!! Whoa! That definitely threw me for a loop! This book definitely has many layers, from the past to the present, that intertwined together creating that fast-paced, even flow in telling Max's story.

Child of Atlantis: Ascension is definitely a "fun" read for both teens and adults who are big fans of comic books, movies, (video)games, and books. Being a fangirl/booknerd myself, I thoroughly enjoyed reading all the fandom references... It was hilarious to find it incorporated into the story! I am already excited to read book 2, Child of Atlantis: Destiny...must find out what happens next!

My rating:

RELEASE WEEK BLITZ: Adrenaline by Sunniva Dee

We are so excited to celebrate the release of Sunniva Dee's Adrenaline! To celebrate a blitz-wide giveaway is happening now!

New Adult
Contemporary Romance
Publish Date:
April 30, 2015


Life's the shit!
Chicks squeal over how wild and yummy I am, play their silly games trying to tie me down. But I'm free as a bird, doing what makes life life: kicking extreme-sport-ass!

I base jump, snowboard, bungee jump. I do anything for the rush.

Then, Ingela blows into town for college--a cool Swedish blast of trouble. Foulmouthed and runway-gorgeous, the girl seeps in like poison and melts the freaking brain.

To Ingela, I am what chicks were to me: pastime, leisure, entertainment, pleasure. She's killing me, and I'm digging it. There's a new rush in town! Yeah, I hunt down my highs, and now the chase is on. I'll catch her soon enough, just, what's the deal with her ex?


With Ingela, sex is a dance. A slow tango where skin flows over skin. It is slick readiness, a quiet welcome. It's smooth, warm, right, and all wrong.

On and off. On and off. Again, she's wrecked with grief. It's a reminder of how I destroy her, how crushed relationships shouldn't be revived.

We've done this for years, but clearly we're in for more.


My cell just buzzed. It’s four in the morning on a weekday. On an instinctual level, I know who it is. I’m not one to give myself breaks; not once, not once, do I not answer when he calls, so I sit up, adrenaline diluting my blood and telling me to go-go-go.
“Stop missing me, asshole,” I say into the receiver.
Brooding, emotional, feel-sorry-for-himself, wishy-washy, sexy nightmare Bo. He’s the epitome of inconsiderate. I’ve been studying in the US for over two years now, but my ex keeps calling me from home. Not giving a damn about the time difference, he calls right when the hell he needs me.
I fumble for the light. Turn it on. Squint and clutch my phone tighter. “Hej,” I puff out next since he doesn’t respond right away.
“Hej, Inga,” he breathes back. Voice silky, like the damn singer-guitarist he is, he says what I knew he would as if he didn’t hear my initial greeting. “I miss you.”
“You’re horrible, Bo.”
“Come on, Inga—this is hard.”
I know what he means by hard. “Is it?” I ask, sitting up straighter. “Is it, now? Then, why did you break up with me for the fifteenth time in, like, what…”
I don’t want to repeat the number of years out loud. Bo and I were an item on and off between the ages of sixteen and twenty-one. All I care about right now is him shutting the hell up. Whenever I’m almost over him, he’s there again. Black-velvety soft voice in my ear, making adrenaline, my worst enemy, course through my body until I tremble.
The man on the phone drove me to the brink a while back. There’s a reason why I’m here and not in Gothenburg where I’d be subject to his erratic moods on a daily basis.
For the millionth time, I wish I didn’t remember the good parts. Me, starting out as the sixteen-year-old groupie of his local band. The parties, the fun. The endless nights in our own little world in the dump he rented with two fellow bandmates. I swallow a lump in my throat. It was supposed to be us always. Not just for a few years. And he wasn’t supposed to be… the way he is.
“Inga, did you hear what I said?” Bo whispers now, like he cares that I should be asleep at this hour.
“I call you, and you don’t even listen?”
“Doing my best,” I say. By the displeased huff he makes, I can tell he understands; I’m doing my best at not listening to him.
“I’m accepting a scholarship to a one-year guitar clinic in Los Angeles.”
Even sitting, my knees go weak. Deepsilver, the gorgeous little college town I’ve set new roots in here on the East Coast, must be only hours from Los Angeles by plane. The pull is on my heartstrings already—I’m too close to where Bo will be.
“Why?” I ask. “They can’t teach you anything here that you can’t learn in Gothenburg, I’m sure. And the band—are they replacing you?”
He puffs a snicker. “Naw. I don’t think so.” Bo is aware that he’s the chick magnet of the bunch and the reason they’ve been doing decent as a college band since they moved to the big city.
“I might check in with some labels while I’m in L.A. The band is with me on this. Probably heading over too, if I can scrounge up some gigs for us. Maybe we’ll tour the East Coast. How about that, Inga? We’ll pop by your little town.”
“Uh-huh, whatever.” I hurt. I try not to admit it to myself, but I miss him so much. The need to have him with me under my covers sucker-punches me. No one. No one is like Bo in bed. I feel the ghost of his hands on my skin as he lets out a quiet laugh on the other end.
“You’re so silly, Ingela. Just give it up already. I’ll take a couple of days in Deepsilver on my way there, okay? I’ll treat you well.”
I blush. There’s a reason to his sexy chuckle, to his sudden promise. As soon as I’m the slightest bit turned on, my breathing stops cooperating. Five years of on-and-off dating has Bo tuned in to the smallest changes in me the way he is to his guitar. So yes, he’s completely aware of his effect on me.
“Fuck you,” I mumble.
“Do you swear as much in English as you do in Swedish?” he purrs like he’s describing dirty pleasures.
“None of your—”
“—goddamn business?”
“Yeah, that. Bye, dick.”



**About the Author**
Sunniva Dee writes New Adult fiction, sometimes with a paranormal twist—like in Shattering Halos, published by The Wild Rose Press in February 24th 2014 and in Stargazer, published November 2014. The first book she is self-publishing is the New Adult Contemporary novel Pandora Wild Child, which made her a proud indie author in October 28th 2014!

She specializes in impulsive heroines, bad-boys, and good-boys running amok. Then, there’s the intense love, physical and emotional attraction beyond reason—sensory overload for the reader as well as for the characters. Like in real life, she hopes readers are unable to predict what comes next in her stories.

Sunnive writes what she loves to read, and depending on the reader, you will find her books to be a fast-paced emotional rollercoaster—or disturbing because the struggles of love aren’t your thing. Here’s to hoping you have the same reading vice as her!

Stay connected with Sunniva Dee


***The Giveaway***

Release Week Blitz Organized by

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

AUDIOBOOK RELEASE BLITZ: Compulsion by Martina Boone

Welcome to the exciting Audiobook Release Blitz for Compulsion, the first book of the Heirs of Watson Island Series, by Martina Boone!

Young Adult
Paranormal/Fantasy Romance
Southern Gothic
Heirs of Watson Island Series, #1
Publish Date:
October 28, 2014
Simon Pulse/Tantor Media
Narrated by:
Joell A. Jacob
11 hrs 29 mins

Three plantations. Two wishes. One ancient curse.

All her life, Barrie Watson has been a virtual prisoner in the house where she lives with her shut-in mother. When her mother dies, Barrie promises to put some mileage on her stiletto heels. But she finds a new kind of prison at her aunt’s South Carolina plantation instead--a prison guarded by an ancient spirit who long ago cursed one of the three founding families of Watson Island and gave the others magical gifts that became compulsions.

Stuck with the ghosts of a generations-old feud and hunted by forces she cannot see, Barrie must find a way to break free of the family legacy. With the help of sun-kissed Eight Beaufort, who knows what Barrie wants before she knows herself, the last Watson heir starts to unravel her family's twisted secrets. What she finds is dangerous: a love she never expected, a river that turns to fire at midnight, a gorgeous cousin who isn’t what she seems, and very real enemies who want both Eight and Barrie dead.


Listen to an audibook sample of Compulsion

Praise for Compulsion:

"Skillfully blends rich magic and folklore with adventure, sweeping romance, and hidden treasure . . . An impressive start to the Heirs of Watson Island series."Publishers Weekly
"Eight Beaufort is so swoon-worthy that it's ridiculous. Move over Four, Eight is here to stay!"  —RT Book Reviews, RT Editors Best Books of 2014

"Darkly romantic and steeped in Southern Gothic charm, you'll be compelled to get lost in the Heirs of Watson Island series."Jennifer L. Armentrout, #1 New York Times bestselling author

"A fresh twist on the Southern Gothic -- haunting, atmospheric, and absorbing."Claudia GrayNew York Timesbestselling author of A Thousand Pieces of You and the Evernight and Spellcaster series 
"A stunningly magical debut with a delicious slow burn to be savored. I want to live in this story world!"Wendy HigginsUSA Today and New York Times bestselling author of the Sweet Evil trilogy

"Beautifully written, with vivid characters, a generations-old feud, and romance that leaps off the page, this Southern ghost story left me lingering over every word, and yet wanting to race to the compelling finish. Compulsion is not to be missed."Megan Shepherd, author of The Madman's Daughter


Compulsion book trailer


Book 2:
Young Adult Paranormal/Fantasy Romance
Southern Gothic
Heirs of Watson Island Series, #1
Publish Date:
October 27, 2015
Simon Pulse

Beautiful Creatures meets Gone with the Wind in this spellbinding second novel in the Heirs of Watson Island trilogy that "skillfully blends rich magic and folklore with adventure, sweeping romance, and hidden treasure" (Publishers Weekly, on Compulsion)

As reporters chasing rumors of a stolen shipment of Civil War gold descend on Watson Island, Barrie Watson discovers more is buried at Colesworth Place than treasure. A mysterious, magical man claims the key to the Watson and Beaufort gifts and the Colesworth curse also lies beneath the mansioin, and Barrie has no option but to help him find it.

While she ad Eight Beaufort struggle to make sense of the escalating danger and their growing feelings for each other, Barrie must decide not only whom to trust, but which gift is more reliable--Eight's or her own. With the fate of the founding families at stake, she has to choose between what she feels deep in her heart and what will keep her loved ones safe.


**About the Author**
Martina Boone was born in Prague and spoke several languages before learning English. She fell in love with words and never stopped delighting in them.

She's the found of, a Writer's Digest 101 Best Websites for Writers site, and, a site devoted to encouraging literacy and ll this YA Series.

From her home in Virginia, where she lives with her husband, children, and Auggie the wonder dog, she enjoys writing conteporary fantasy set in the kinds of magical places she'd love to visit. When she isn't writing, she's addicted to travel, horses, skiing, chocolate flarvored tea, and anything with Nutella on it.

Stay connected with Martina Boone


***The Giveaway***

Audiobook Release Blitz Organized by