“My parents are moving,” I blurt out.
“To Florida?” Even he doesn’t sound surprised. Am I the only one who didn’t see this coming?
“Yeah.” I probably shouldn’t complain to him, but I can’t seem to help myself. “I’m not sure what that means for me.”
Luke flips a crepe in the omelet pan he’s holding. “I suppose it means you’re going to move too.”
“To where though?”
“Where were you before?”
“Madison,” I tell him. “But I don’t want to go back there.”
“Bad breakup?” he asks before hurrying to add, “I didn’t mean to ask that. Noah said I shouldn’t mention it.”
“Noah said not to mention what?”
“That you and your boyfriend just broke up. I’m sorry.” He pulls two plates down from the cabinet and puts them in the microwave.
“That was over two years ago,” I tell him. “And it wasn’t a particularly bad break up. I just realized Michael wasn’t the guy for me.”
“Really? Noah said it just happened.” He’s back to looking nervous.
What is my brother up to? But then it hits me. “You didn’t happen to just break up with your girlfriend, too?” I ask him.
“What girlfriend?”
“The girlfriend Noah said you recently parted ways with.”
Luke raises an eyebrow. “Your brother has some explaining to do.”
Picking up my phone, I push the button beside Noah’s picture, then I put the call on speaker. It rings three times before I hear him say, “Lorelai, what’s up? You feeling any better about Mom and Dad’s move?”
“No, I’m not,” I tell him plainly. “But that’s not why I’m calling. I’m wondering why you told Luke that Michael and I just broke up.”
“What?” He sounds guilty. “He must have misheard me. I didn’t say …”
Luke joins the conversation. “What exactly did I mishear?”
“Oh, hey, Luke.” Noah’s caught now and I half expect him to make up an excuse that he has to go.
Before he can, I volunteer, “Luke says he didn’t break up with anyone, either.”
“Fine, you’ve caught me.” My brother confesses, “The truth is that now that we’re all grown up, I got to thinking that you two might be a good match. You know, you’re both so creative and all.”
“So, my staying here wasn’t for my benefit?” Luke sounds angry. “It was to set me up with your sister?” He says sister like it’s a synonym for vampire, or slug. Either way, it’s not very flattering.
I’m insulted that he’s taking it so hard. If he weren’t standing here, I’d probably thank my brother for his intervention. Yet I feel pressured to sound as offended as Luke does, so, I tell Noah, “I can find my own dates, thank you very much.”
“Can you though?” he demands. “You’ve had the biggest crush on Luke ever since you first met him. I thought I was doing you a favor.” It’s my turn to blush.
Glancing up nervously, I attempt to smile at my guest. Though, I’m certain it comes out more as a grimace. “I did have a crush on you, but I don’t anymore. I mean, obviously.” The image of me playing peeping Tom yesterday pops into my mind and I lower my head in shame.
“Noah,” Luke tells my brother, “I’m too busy to date. Not to mention, Lorelai and I don’t even live in the same town.” Happily, he doesn’t mention my childhood infatuation, or my voyeuristic tendencies. I’m not sure I could handle that.
“Lorelai might be leaving Elk Lake,” Noah says, which once again makes me angry that he learned of my fate before I did.
“I may have to move,” I tell him, “But I have no plans on moving to Chicago.” If I did, I’d probably only be able to afford to rent a stoop in front of a seedy liquor store.
“You could move to Chicago if you wanted,” Noah says. “I’d even let you stay with me for a month while you got settled.” Apparently, the word is out in my family. Don’t let Lorelai stay for long or she’ll never leave.
“How magnanimous of you.” The sarcasm is heavy. “But I’ll find some way to make it on my own, and that won’t be in Chicago.”
“You’re both missing the point,” Noah says.
“Which is?” Luke sounds perturbed, which of course ruffles me.
“You’re both single and reasonably good-looking …” Luke is straight up hot, so I suppose I’m the one being damned by this dim compliment. Noah continues, “And I love you both. I think you’d be great together.”
The tension is suddenly so thick you’d think the room was about to explode like an atomic bomb being detonated. “I don’t have time to think about dating anyone,” I tell my brother.
“Luke isn’t just anyone,” he says. “He’s your childhood heartthrob.” I want to slink under the table and hide. I so badly want to look at Luke but I’m afraid I’ll see an expression of disgust etched across his features.
The object of my fantasies interjects, “I’m in Elk Lake to patch things up with my dad, Noah. And while I appreciate your helping me find a place to stay, I’d be grateful if you’d stay out of the rest of my business.”
I am mortified.

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