Today, we have a Book Blitz to share for the upcoming release of Author Shermon Kodi's new Young Adult Fantasy, Immortal Dark. To celebrate this upcoming new release, we have a sneak peek with an exclusive excerpt AND a blitz-wide giveaway! So... Be sure to check it out and pre-order your copy NOW!

Juzu turns and spreads his arms. “Look. We’re here!”
I stop. We’re standing in front of a dead end. The lot is empty except for a pair of trashcans that have been pushed conspicuously under a lone lamppost. The light is out, and all the buildings are dark and deserted. There aren’t even footprints in the snow. Nobody’s been back here in days.
I can’t help but feel disappointed. After all this walking, I was expecting to end up somewhere warm. But now we’re in the middle of nowhere, and I have no idea how we got here or how to get back. “Where are we exactly?”
“You’re in for a treat.” Juzu swings his umbrella around his wrist and makes for the trashcans. “Welcome to Shytar’s workshop.”
I stand on the curb with my shoulders hunched against the cold. “Juzu, there’s nothing here. No workshop. No speaker. This was a waste of time.”
He leans on the trashcan and bashes his fist against the lid. “Keep an open mind. Shytar is one of the wisest and most powerful Dreamspeakers in all of Coppejj.”
A voice comes from inside the trashcan. “Who is it?”
My heart skips a beat. There’s someone in there.
“Wake up, Shy.” Juzu removes the lid. “I need your help.”
“Juzu?” A middle-aged woman with short black hair and layers of baggy clothes pokes out of the trashcan. She has red cheeks and a round face with large brown eyes that she rubs with her knuckles. “Hezha’s fire, you went through that bag already?”
“What?” His gaze flicks to me. “No, I—”
“It’s alright. I got you.” Shytar yawns and crosses her arms. “How much do you need?”
“No, Shy. I’m not here for that—”
“Are you kidding me?” I’m unable to contain my disbelief. “You brought us to your drug dealer? That’s why we’re out here? So you can buy more jalpe?”
“Ju.” Shytar narrows her eyes, scanning me up and down. She jams a thumb in my direction. “Who’s the square?”
“Everyone, calm down.” Juzu rubs his forehead. “Shytar, this is my new ward, Bexis. She’s alright, I think. I’m not here for jalpe. But we do need your help.”
“You’re not here for jalpe, and you need my help,” Shytar repeats. She sucks her teeth. “That can’t be good.”
“It’s not,” Juzu says. “Can we come in?”

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