Today, we are thrilled to share this Book Blitz celebrating the new release of multi-award-winning & bestselling author Melanie Summers' The Space Between Us, the first book in the Brainiacs in Love series! To celebrate this new release, we have an exclusive excerpt to share! So... Be sure to check it out and start the series NOW!

“Anyway, I’m really sorry about Dr. Napper. I’m sure this must be just awful for you—losing your business partner and probably your best friend.”
He stiffens a little, then says, “Thanks, but I’m fine.”
“He was an incredible human,” I say, glancing out to see that we’re no longer flying over Lima, but are now at the base of the mountains. “Not only generous, but so full of life and really incredibly inspiring. I watched every one of his adventures on the Dick Cam.”
Mr. Sterling blinks slowly, then says, “You needn’t bother. I meant what I said earlier—about there being absolutely no chance of me funding any of your projects.”
“I know you did. You hate what we do, even though SETI is a real and highly respected line of research. Not like a lot of the other projects in the foundation.” Leaning toward him a little, I say, “I mean, come on, the search for Atlantis? Might as well look for King Arthur’s sword. Embarrassing.”
His lips curve up ever so slightly, and I’ll be damned if those aren’t a nice set of lips. “Let me get this straight. You look down on them?”
My face heats up with humiliation, which turns instantly to rage. Doing my best to stay icy calm, I say, “I assure you what those other teams do and what we do are nothing alike. Ours is a very real science based on facts and certainty. Theirs is a fairy tale.”
“I have news for you. You’re not that different.”
Okay, now I’m mad. “We most certainly are nothing like those crazy Yeti people.”
“You most certainly are. You all employed exactly the same strategy when it came to sending someone on this godforsaken trip to try to handle me.”
“Which is…?”
“Sending a young, attractive woman to convince me not to shut you down.” His eyes sweep over me. “It’s insulting really.”
Attractive? Did he just call me attractive? Is my face bright red right now? Because it feels ridiculously hot. Stupid face. “That’s not why I was picked.”
He arches his left eyebrow. “Really?”
“Yes, really,” I answer, sounding haughtier than I should. “There was a very good reason my team sent me.”
“What? Are you the only one who speaks Klingon or something?”
I narrow my eyes at him. “Obviously not. I’m the only one who had the necessary qualifications.”
He looks impressed for a second, but then I realize he’s just pretending. “So you’re the brains behind the whole operation then?”
“No, everyone on the team is … the brains behind the operation. We’re all one big brain and together we have all the skills and knowledge needed. Honestly, the whole thing would fall apart if you got rid of any of us,” I say, laying the groundwork in case he does give us funding but then decides to turn around and downsize us. Well, he could let Chad go. That would be fine. I’m about to say as much when the helicopter suddenly seems to be lifted up out of nowhere, pushing me into my seat with a terrifying force.
Without thinking, I reach for Mr. Sterling’s hand and he does the same to mine. We grip each other as the nose of the aircraft pitches up violently and the engine stalls. Closing my eyes, I feel panic take over me as it feels like we’re about to drop out of the sky. Without a parachute in sight. Thank God I went pee back at the airport…

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