Thursday, March 21, 2024

BOOK BLITZ: Angelbound Tales: Volume 1 by Christina Bauer

Today, we have a Book Blitz to share for author Christina Bauer's Angelbound Tales: Volume One! To celebrate this new release, we have a sneak peek with an excerpt from Sharkie and Snickerdoodles. Plus, there's a blitz-wide giveaway as well. So... Be sure to check it out and grab your copy NOW!

Young Adult
Angelbound Tales, #1
Publish Date:
March 19, 2024
Monster House Books

Love Myla Lewis? Don’t miss Angelbound Tales Volume One, a collection of five bonus stories from Myla’s world, including:

· Walker’s Love Connection, where Myla uncovers a secret about her honorary older brother
· Sharkie and Snickerdoodles, in which our heroine faces down an uber-evil ghoul in order to get her hands on (what else?) some damned fine cookies.
· Wedding Bells, aka the story of a certain happy couple getting married. Havoc ensues in more ways than one!
· Herbie and Baby Hotdogs, the tale of a quasi-demon whose ‘mortal sin power’ is gluttony. Consider yourself warned.
· Saving Mrs. Pomplemousse, a mini-romance that explores the true meaning of ‘soul mates.’ Say it with me now: awwww!

Originally released in special editions, these many tales now unite in one master collection that spans print, ebook and audio formats! 42,000 words.

If you don’t like quirky indie authors, then you’ll hate the following disclaimer from my inner pirate: Shiver me tinders, if ye haven’t read Angelbound books one through three, then these tales’ll frustrate ye more’n a drunk goat on astroturf. Argh!

Now back to my regular pirate-free self: I hope these stories provide a little escape from reality because, let’s face it, we all need one these days :)




Noo ne noo. Noo ne noo. Nothing to see here.

I sashay along a cracked sidewalk. The sky threatens rain, which is typical for Purgatory. All around me, empty storefronts look out over the deserted street. My destination for today is a little place around the corner. My mouth waters as I consider the yum that awaits me. 

La Ghoule Bakery, aka the only spot in Purgatory that sells freshly-made frosted snickerdoodles. 

And today, I shall get those snickerdoodles in my tummy.

I’m not supposed to be anywhere near this bakery—long story--so I’m wearing a disguise. Pausing before one of the many darkened windows, I check out my reflection. My red hair is hidden under a long blonde wig and floppy hat. My brown eyes are concealed by massive sunglasses. Even my tail is in costume. Namely, I’ve attached a pair of googly eyes to my tail’s arrowhead-shaped end.  

The rest of my outfit is gray sweats with a matching T-shirt and raggedy sneakers, which is the standard outfit required for all quasi demons. All in all, I look great.

My tail shivers, a movement that makes its googly eyes roll around. My tail happens to have a mind of its own. Shivering is a dead giveaway.

“You’re worried.”

My tail bobs up and down. Yes.

“Hey, I get why you’re riding the anxious train to worry town. The chick who runs La Ghoule 

Bakery happens to have a live-in boyfriend that isn’t totally cool.” I make my eek face as I say the words, totally cool.

In reply, my tail tilts its arrowhead-shaped end up ninety degrees and slides back and forth in a pretty good imitation of a certain aquatic predator.

“Yes, the baker’s boyfriend is Sharkie.”

I fight evil souls in Purgatory’s arena. Sharkie is both a ghoul and the emcee for these death matches. We have a healthy hate-hate relationship. 

“But as you can see, we’re both disguised.”

My tail loops the arrowhead end around my ear. You’re nuts.

“It’s not the greatest disguise, but it’s good enough for Sharkie. Probably.” My stomach growls. 

“Hey, a growing girl has needs.”


**About the Author**
Christina Bauer thinks that fantasy books are like bacon: they just make life better. All of which is why she writes romance novels that feature demons, dragons, wizards, witches, elves, elementals, and a bunch of random stuff that she brainstorms while riding the Boston T. Oh, and she includes lots of humor and kick-ass chicks, too. 

Christina graduated from Syracuse University’s Newhouse School with BA’s in English along with Television, Radio, and Film Production. She lives in Newton, MA with her husband, son, and semi-insane golden retriever, Ruby.

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Stay connected with Christina Bauer


***The Giveaway***

Giveaway Open Internationally
- ends March 28, 2024
Note: Not Responsible for Lost & Damaged Prizes in Your Mail Box

Book Blitz Organized by

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