Today, we have a Book Blitz to share celebrating the new release of Award-winning Author Tammy Tyree's Witches and Walk-In's, book 1 in the Castle Point Witch series. To celebrate her latest book, we have an exclusive excerpt AND a blitz-wide giveaway to share! So... Be sure to check it out and start the series NOW!

I didn’t recognize the fingers attached to hands that also looked incredibly unfamiliar. I glanced at my other hand, somehow thinking perhaps it would be different, but it wasn’t. I had never seen these hands before, nor the arms attached. My skin was sallow, but also loose, wrinkled, and saggy. I rested my eyes, then opened them and glanced at my hands again.
No change, and definitely not mine.
I felt certain about it.
Which meant that things just got weirder.
I noticed a heavy weight on my chest, but, peering down, the only thing I saw was a rather large hump in my hospital gown….ohhhhh.
I had big boobies.
Just then, a tall, slender man entered the room. His gray hair, slightly mussed and off to one side, glasses barely resting on the tip of his nose, and the white coat he was wearing was miss-buttoned and floating behind him as he rushed in. There was a hunch in his shoulders and a slight limp in his step that revealed the wear and tear of his age.
This must be the Doc Holloway, that pink puppy bitch nurse told Copper Penny to call. He spoke quickly and quietly to both nurses before turning his attention to me. He smiled a robust, wide smile.
I was instantly annoyed.
“Welcome back, Betty! You’ve been with us for quite some time! Can you try to speak? Maybe even a whisper? Do you know where you are? You were in an accident nine months ago. Do you remember?”
The doc’s rapid-fire quiz made me feel like retreating under the covers if I could only move my heavy, saggy arms to pull the covers over my face.
The assault on my senses continued when he clicked on his penlight, pulled at my eyelids, and checked for pupil dilation. I blinked in rapid succession, eyes tearing up and overflowing onto my cheeks once again.
This man I didn’t like, I decided.
I glared at him, or at least I glared in his direction, as bright white dots floated across my vision.
Doc Holloway stood back, waiting for me to speak, but I took a few minutes to focus on his face and then on the nurses and around the room, moving my head slightly.
I felt like a circus animal in a cage.
Wait, had I ever been to a circus to see caged animals?
I assumed I must have, since I suddenly felt like one.
'Everyone look at the freak who just woke up from a coma! Praise be! Oh, and by the way; her name is Betty!'
Except it wasn’t, was it?
I took another look at the three expectant faces awaiting me to perform my next miracle. Then I focused in on Doc Holloway and wet my lips, preparing to speak.
My saliva tasted like blood and bile. I felt a wrenching swelling from deep inside me but I swallowed it down and took a ragged breath.
Doc Holloway leaned in slightly as I parted my lips to speak. My voice, merely a raspy whisper after what I now understood was months of hibernation, announced what I was suddenly very sure of.
“I’m not Betty.”

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