Monday, September 30, 2019

BLOG TOUR: A Scattering of Leaves by Patricia Reynolds

Welcome to the Official Blog Tour for Patricia Reynolds' A Scattering of Leaves, the second title in the Keeper of Souls series! Today, on our tour stop, we are kicking off this tour with a promo post featuring an exclusive excerpt AND a cool tour-wide giveaway! Watch the book trailer for A Scattering of Crows (book 1) now! So... Check it out and grab your copy now! Follow the tour, HERE.

Young Adult
Historical Fantasy
Keeper of Souls, #2
Publish Date:
August 27, 2019
Old Crow Publishing

Following his Vision Quest in A Scattering of Crows, Hidden Spirit continues the journey after an unsettling vision of his sister, Chasing Rabbit, in danger. He races against the clock to find the boarding school where Preacher Jim continues to indoctrinate the Sioux children. He fears he will be too late and wonders about the fate of his beloved, Morning Star.

Surviving insurmountable odds, Hidden Spirit rises to the harrowing challenge. Quelling his anger, his inner warrior and magical powers begin to surface and develop in ways he never thought possible. Along the way, he meets some unsuspecting friends and allies that help forge this epic journey.

*FREE on Kindle Unlimited*


“I wish I had seen your Hidden Spirit,” Ellie says, enviously. “He sounds wonderful.”
“Well, he is and it was… like… magic. Hidden Spirit can do mysterious things you know. He’s our hero,” she says, proudly. Little Moon is so excited that she stands up, hops on one foot, grabs a wet dress, and twirls in circles. “He must be near, Ellie. He must be. I have prayed to the Great Spirit every night to guide him to us so that he will take us home.”
“Home?” Ellie repeated, grabbing the girl’s wrists. “That’s marvelous news, Little Moon… to leave this god-awful place.”
“You know,” she says, beaming, “The elders knew he was going to be special, the day he was born. They said he is destined for real big things and that Hidden Spirit’s, grandfather, was going to teach him big secrets from another place… so he could be a really good medicine man. His grandfather is dead, but still has the power. The crows became his friends when he was little, and, when he shot one of them, they taught him a big lesson. Now they protect and guide him. Hidden Spirit is brave,” Little Moon says with her newfound confidence. “He’s a warrior, too. Our people have lots of powers, you know. They wouldn’t scalp you or anything like that, like the white people say.”

Sequel to:
(cover links to Goodreads)



**About the Author**
Patricia Reynolds lives in Washington State with her partner of many years, along with their adopted family of dogs and cats. She has a passion for nature and the environment, and a soft spot for animals of all kinds. Patricia's primary goal in writing this book was to lend a voice to the forgotten. Her young adult fantasy series: Keeper of the Souls, is based on actual events.

Stay connected with Patricia Reynolds


***The Giveaway***

Note: Not Responsible for Lost & Damaged Prizes in Your Mail Box

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Saturday, September 28, 2019

BLOG TOUR: Promise of Darkness by Bec McMaster

Welcome to the Official Blog Tour for Promise of  Darkness, the first title in the Dark Court Rising series, by Bec McMaster! On our tour stop today, we have an exclusive excerpt AND a tour-wide giveaway to share! So... Check it out and grab your copy now!!!

New Adult
Paranormal/Fantasy Romance
Dark Court Rising, #1
Publish Date:
September 17, 2019
Lochaber Press

Princess. Tribute. Sacrifice. Is she the one prophesied to unite two warring Fae courts? Or the one bound to destroy them?

In a realm ruled by magic, the ruthless Queen of Thorns is determined to destroy her nemesis, the cursed Prince of Evernight.

With war brewing between the bitter enemies, the prince forces Queen Adaia to uphold an ancient treaty: she will send one of her daughters to his court as a political hostage for three months.

The queen insists it’s the perfect opportunity for Princess Iskvien to end the war before it begins. But one look into Thiago’s smoldering eyes and Vi knows she’s no assassin.

The more secrets she uncovers about the prince and his court, the more she begins to question her mother’s motives.

Who is the true enemy? The dark prince who threatens her heart? Or the ruthless queen who will stop at nothing to destroy him?

And when the curse threatens to shatter both courts, is her heart strong enough to break it?

A fairytale twist inspired by the Hades and Persephone myth.


The prince eases both doors to his bedchamber shut and leans against them with a sleepy look in his eyes. “How are you feeling?”
“Like I just took a knife for you,” I point out, wobbling a little, though I’ll be damned if I show it. Surviving my mother’s court gives me a good grounding to face him like this. It doesn’t matter how much blood you’ve lost, you don’t dare faint in front of my mother or her people. 
Especially not when I’m standing in front of the monstrous bed he just set me down in front of.  
“And I’m grateful, but shouting a warning would have been just as effective.” 
“I’ll consider that next time.” Along with simply standing aside and letting the assassin complete their task. 
An enormous thronelike chair reclines by the fireplace, and thick, woven rugs are scattered across the stone floors. Everything’s been made on a scale to both impress and threaten, though there’s a sense of luxuriousness I hadn’t expected. Silk sheets on the bed. Luscious velvet throws in a dark mulberry color. The silvery ruff of fur just begging me to lie upon it. 
A pair of sconces linger by the bed, and a sheer curtain is tied to the wall. Thiago moves to light the candles in the sconces, becoming little more than a shadow behind the gauze, his cloak flaring behind him like a pair of wings. I shiver, wrapping my arms around myself as I examine every inch of the room. 
That bed is big enough for ten. 
Unfortunately, there’s no sign of another. 
“Not what you expected?” The prince blows out the taper he used to light the candles, and a ring of smoke curls toward the ceiling. He watches me through it.
It’s exactly what I expected.
One bed. 
The two of us.
“Where are all the skulls?” I joke, instead. “The bodies of your vanquished enemies?” 
“Under the bed,” he purrs. “Care to take a closer look?”
There it is. The suggestion we’ve both been dancing around. “And if I don’t care to?” The treaty only requires that I spend the three months in his court. Not that I serve as concubine. 
The prince shrugs, slipping the cloak free of his shoulders. It pools around his ankles like a swathe of pure night, then he crosses to the decanter to pour two goblets of wine. “Your loss, Your Highness.”
My loss?
I stare into the wine he gives me. “Let us establish some rules.”
“Rules, Princess?” A wicked smile crosses his mouth. “I don’t play by the rules.”
“What do you want of me?”
“What do you mean?”
I’ve spent years playing word games in my mother’s court. “Come now. Let’s not pretend you made this request because you’re interested in the pleasure of my company for three months—”
“You might be surprised.”
“You want something from me. What?”
“What would you give?”
Nothing. But without anything to offer, I have little to bargain with. “A kiss.”
“A high price to pay.” His eyes darken as he considers his wine. “Once a day.”
Once a week would be preferable—or never—but I nod slowly. “Once a day.”
“And given freely.”
“If you keep your hands off me.”
“A kiss once a day, for the next three months. No more, no less, unless you initiate it.” He repeats it twice more. “Spoken thrice, my oath upon it.”
“My oath upon it,” I agree, and feel the magic bind us together. 
What have I done?


**About the Author**
Bec McMaster is a writer. Dreamer, Travel Addict, And an enthusiastic-if-not-perfect baker. She will honestly admit that she doesn't always follow the recipe, be it cooking, or writing romances. If she's not sitting in front the computer, she's probably plotting her next world trip. Or eating chocolate. Sometimes she runs. Because...chocolate.

Bec McMasters grew up on a steady diet of 80's fantasy movies like Ladyhawke, Labyrinth and The Princess Bride, and love creating epic, fantasy-based worlds with heroes and heroines who must defeat all the odds to have their HEA. She lives in a country town in Australia, with her very own beta hero, Byron; Kobe, a dow who will eat anything (even used teabags); and demanding chickens, Siggy and Lagertha.

Stay connected with Bec McMaster


***The Giveaway***

Note: Not Responsible for Lost & Damaged Prizes in Your Mail Box

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Friday, September 27, 2019

COVER REVEAL: Cupcake Series by Bethany Lopez

Today, we have new cover for the Cupcake series by Bethany Lopez!!! The series is FREE on Kindle Unlimited! Take a look at the gorgeous new covers and grab your copy now!!!


Don't miss the Cupcake series novella and cookbook!

*FREE on Kindle Unlimited*


*About the Author*
Bethany Lopez is a USA Today Bestselling author of more than thirty books and has ben published since 2011. She is a lover of all things romance, which she incorporates into the books she writes, no matter the genre.

When she isn't reading or writing, she loves spending time with family and traveling whenever possible.

Bethany can usually be found with a cup of coffee or glass of wine at hand, and will never turn down a cupcake!

Stay connected with Bethany Lopez

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