“Do you think Sadie’s sister would mind if I wrote to her? I’ve kinda been thinking about her since we saw her.”
Harley John raised an eyebrow. “I think that would be a fine idea. In fact, I’m pretty sure Molly would be happy to receive your letters.”
The day Harley John had introduced him to Molly Thorsen, Friday had felt as though something in his heart had shifted.
He knew he’d looked more like a fence post than a human with a functioning brain as he’d stood rooted to the ground while Molly had chatted with Harley John, but Friday had been so thunderstruck, he couldn’t have moved if a German had come running straight at him.
In all his life, he’d not once experienced such an immediate attraction to a female like he had with Molly. Through the years, there had never been a shortage of girls interested in Friday. He’d escorted any number of females to a variety of events in and around his hometown, but not a single one of them had ever made him want to settle down.
The moment Molly had smiled at him, he could practically envision the next fifty years of his life with her. He saw rocking chairs with sunset views, toys scattered across a wooden floor, and a home brimming with happiness.
Entranced with her, yet thoroughly disconcerted by his reaction to the woman who would one day be Harley John’s sister-in-law, Friday had tried to assure himself she lingered in his thoughts merely because of the war and the fact that he’d hardly been around any females for quite some time.
Despite how much he tried to convince himself that was the sole reason Molly was waltzing through his dreams, he knew it wasn’t true. He could have met Molly anywhere at any time and was sure his interest in her would have been equally as intense.
Although he knew so little about her other than the few stories Harley John had shared, he gathered a wealth of information from watching the way she had talked to his friend.
She was animated and caring, or so it had seemed as he’d observed her mannerisms. Harley John was relaxed around her, which said a lot right there. The two of them shared an affection, such as Friday held for his sisters, and it touched his heart to see the fondness between Molly and Harley John.
In addition to her sterling character, which Friday thought was beyond reproach, Molly was lovely. She wasn’t too tall or too short, but she was slim with a willowy figure. Her posture was perfect, and she appeared to take pride in the crisp uniform she wore.
Molly had lustrous seal-brown hair. Unlike the modern girls who had chopped their hair short and had it waved, she wore hers in a soft style, rolled back from her face with little tendrils that escaped and framed her cheeks.
Big soulful eyes in an intriguing shade more amber than brown were framed with dark lashes.
Molly had an almost serious, melancholy look about her with her upper lip resting slightly over the lower, but when she smiled, oh mercy! It transformed her features completely until her face nearly radiated joy. Friday would have given every penny he had to keep her smiling.
He’d so badly wanted to kiss the dimple in her left cheek that popped out when she smiled. He figured if he’d tried, Harley John would have popped him in the nose right after Molly slugged him a good one.
Regardless, he couldn’t stop thinking about her and didn’t want to. For now, though, the only thing he could do was write to her and hope she’d answer.
But before he endeavored to put pen to paper and contact her, he’d wanted Harley John’s approval. Harley John was as close to a male guardian as Molly had here in France. If his friend had said no, Friday would have respected his wishes no matter how much he wanted to get to know Molly better.
However, now that Harley John had encouraged him to write to her, Friday certainly intended to.

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